Where was Joseph Smith’s family living at the time of the First Vision?
Palmyra, New York
What scripture inspired Joseph to seek wisdom from God?
James 1:5.
What did God and Jesus Christ tell Joseph about the existing churches?
That none of them were true, and he should join none of them.
Before seeing the light, what challenge did Joseph face as he began to pray?
He was overcome by a thick darkness and felt bound.
How did religious leaders react when Joseph shared his vision?
They mocked and persecuted him.
What significant event in Joseph’s childhood led his family to consider religious matters deeply?
A religious revival in their area.
How did Joseph describe how reading James 1:5 impacted him?
"Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine."
Why is the First Vision considered the foundation of the Restoration?
It revealed the true nature of God and began the process of restoring the gospel.
How does Joseph’s story encourage us to seek deliverance through prayer?
It shows that God will always provide help if we call on Him sincerely.
How does the First Vision demonstrate God’s pattern of calling prophets?
It shows that God calls prophets in times of spiritual confusion to guide His children and restore truth.
What faith did some members of his family join?
What does Joseph Smith’s example teach us about seeking answers from God?
We must study the scriptures, act in faith, and pray sincerely.
What was the first thing Joseph was told by God and Jesus Christ?
His sins were forgiven.
What can we learn from Joseph’s experience with opposition in the Sacred Grove?
Opposition often precedes great spiritual experiences, and faith helps us overcome it.
How does the First Vision provide a foundation for understanding our own relationship with God?
It teaches that God hears and answers prayers and that He is personally involved in our lives.