At what time should you report to class?
What is "before the tardy bell rings" or "on time"?
True or False: You will receive a weekly Do Now grade.
What is "True"?
What emails should you use to sign up for DeltaMath?
What is "School Email"?
Where do you find the daily to-do list?
What is "Objective/Agenda Wall"?
How many cats does Ms.Vega have?
What is "3?"
What should you immediately start working on once you have taken a seat?
What is "Do Now"?
True or False: You will have homework every day.
What is "False"?
Which specific version of the Desmos Graphing Calculator will we be using during class?
What is "Texas (STAAR)"?
Where can you find important words we have discussed in class?
What is "Vocabulary Wall"?
When is Ms.Vega's birthday?
What is "Nov 18"?
True or False: The student dismisses themselves from class.
What is false?
True or False: Daily assignments can be found through Canvas.
What is "True"?
Where can you find the time frames you are allowed to use the restroom?
What "Informational Center"?
What does a correct heading consist of?
What is "name, date, and period"?
Who is in charge of passing out dry erase markers and erasers?
What is "Materials Manager"?
Grades will be separated into to major categories. What are they?
What is "Minor Grades and Major Grades"?
What tab on Canvas allows you to see what we have previosly covered in class?
What is the "Modules" tab?
What is "Turn-it-in Buckets"?
Who let's me know there is only 10 minutes left of class?
What is "Time Keeper"?
What should you do to your desk area before leaving the classroom?
What is "clean up"?
What is "Minor Grades Category"?
What button on the home page will allow you to post a question on Canvas?
What is the "Post a Question" button?
Where should you stick the sticky notes used at the END of class?
What is "Exit Ticket Wall"?
Can you go to the restroom the first 15 minutes of class on Tuesday/Wednesdeay?
What is "No"?