When can do you use an office?
During a test/quiz
What is Ms. C's dog's name?
How many Boys from our class can be in the bathroom at one time?
What does "D" in pride stand for?
Where in the classroom do you turn in your papers?
Ms. Cornelia's desk
Name one of my hallway rules:
Quiet voices, stay in line, no running
What is our counselors name?
Mrs. Martines
What are 2 options you have when you complete a task early?
Whiteboards or Reading
How many years has Ms. Cornelia taught at WR?
What do you need in order to go to the office?
ask for an Office Pass
How can you show "respect?"
What is the black binder used for?
Science Journal
What is Ms. C's all time favorite show?
The Vampire Diaries
What direction do we face in a fire drill
What does the "p" stand for in PRIDE?
Give one example of how to earn a marble?
If Ms. C had to eat one thing for the rest of her life, what would it be?
Fill in the blank No _________ food in the lunch room.
Sharing, throwing, etc.
How can you show integrity???