Something we should always be in the classroom or in the school. (Hint: How we treat others)
Kind and Respectful
What should you do after you've entered the classroom and put away all of your belongings?
Eat your breakfast and quietly chat with your friends.
What is a pet peeve?
Something that annoys someone or can upset them.
How should our classroom and everyone in it be treated?
With Respect!
When Ms.Walker says "Class Class" you should say?
Yes Yes
How can you be prepared in class?
After you've ate and thrown away your trash what should you do?
Make sure you have a Sharpened pencil.
Clue: The opposite of listening, talking when it is not your turn
Talking our of turn.
When can you visit our classroom library?
When we have extra time in the day/ when Ms. Walker allows
If Ms. Walker is on a countdown from 5 what should you do?
Get Quiet
How should you get the teachers attention or share any comments in the class?
Raise your hand
What should you do once you have thrown away your trash and sharpened your pencil?
Begin morning work.
"You can't sit with us at lunch because I don't like your outfit"
Bullying/ Being Disrespectful
Calm Down Corner
What is another way Ms. Walker will get your attention without using her voice?
Door Bell
When can you fill up your water bottle?
Before class and after lunch
When can you sharpen your pencils in class?
Only at the beginning of the day/ after breakfast/ before morning work.
The opposite of keeping the room clean.
Messy Desk and Area
Where do you turn in homework and exit slips?
Gold Basket
What grade did Ms. Walker teach last year?
1st Grade
What are the biggest two things Ms. Walker expects in the hallways?
A Straight and Quiet Line
What are the 4 steps of our morning routine?
1. Make sure your desk is neat and clean
2. Wipe Desk off
3. Grab and pack backpack
4. Quietly chat at your seats and listen for dismissal announcements.
Will result in your paper not getting graded and going on Ms. Walker's certain board
No Name on Paper
What goes home daily and comes back daily?
Take Home Folder
What is Ms. Walker's favorite food? (bonus if you say one of the specifics)
Seafood (shrimp and crawfish)