Characters 2
Characters 2.5
Characters 3

The story’s protagonist, Marge is a sixth-grade student who, unbeknownst to herself for much of the novel, has dyslexia. Though Sarah is extremely smart, good at math, and a talented artist, she can barely read…



Mr. Burns is a young teacher who takes over for Mrs. Hall sometime around Thanksgiving and is the first to recognize that Ally has dyslexia. A kind and thoughtful man studying to become a special

Who is Mr. Daniels


A very wealthy woman, Ashley berates her daughter when she loses the election for class president. Her rant implies that she believed that the outlandish promises she made during her speech—which she helped write—would make her win!

Who is Shay's mommy


Selma is Shay's best friend and, as Ally sees it, her shadow. She describes Selma as having few personality traits or interests of her own, as her main goal seems to be following Shay and

Who is Jessica


If you are guilty

You're gonna get _______.

The you'll go to jail

and have the blues.

What is accused


Lisa is a new girl at school with whom Ally becomes very close. She's the only black girl and is extremely confident in herself and her abilities. This causes her to challenge Shay regularly and

Who is Keisha


Flanders is one of Ally's best friends. A hulking boy who loves science and logic, he comes to school every day wearing a shirt that reads "Flint" and a pair of jeans. He's also often

Who is Albert


Three boys who are much smaller than Albert but who beat him up daily after school regardless. They tease Albert for being poor and for not wanting to fight back, and they have no qualms hitting girls.

Who are the neighborhood bullies


Nelson is one of Ally's classmates. He's always talking and moving, which makes him a common target of bullying. In the week after Mr. Daniels arrives to teach, Ally notices that Nelson likely has self-esteem problems.

Who is Oliver


I don't have any energy

I'm moving real slow

I gonna grab some cash

and drink a __________

What is a cup of Joe


Edna is the class bully. She's wealthy and is always surrounded by Jessica and a number of other girls whom Ally just refers to as Edna followers. All of these girls wear friendship bracelets

Who is Shay


Bart is Ally's big brother. He's in high school, though Ally never shares what grade. School has never been Travis's thing; the novel implies that, like Ally, Bart is dyslexic. He talks about words moving…

Who is Travis


Though Newton never appears in the novel in person, Albert talks about him on several occasions. He's an inventor, though it's not clear what he's trying to invent. He named Albert after Albert Einstein.

Who is Albert's dad


One of Ally's classmates; she's a Japanese immigrant and is still learning English. When she's nervous she rolls a carved wooden block around in her hands, and she's often anxious when Shay bullies others

Who is Suki?


You're looking at me

just like I'm a bug

You may know the answer

but you shouldn't act ______

What is smug


Patty works at a restaurant called A. C. Petersen's as a waitress, which means that Ally often either does homework at the restaurant or is home unsupervised, given that Patty works late. Though Patty

Who is Ally's ma


Moe; he's the captain of a tank unit in the Army, though Ally never says where he's fighting. At the start of the novel, he's been deployed for about a year.

Who is Ally's Pops


This woman in an author.  She has written several books. In fact she wrote a book you are reading right now. 

Who is Lynda Mullaly Hunt


A popular and sporty boy in Ally's class. He loves parties and wants to throw one at school at every opportunity. Though he hangs out with Shay, Jessica, and the other popular girls

Who is Max


You think it is spring

because the flowers are in bloom

but if you don't really know

you never should _______

What is assume


The principal at Ally's school. At the start of the novel, Mrs. Nahasapimapetilan is exasperated with how often she sees Ally in her office. She tells Ally that the sympathy card is too far out of bounds.

Quien Es Senora Plata


Sideshow Bob; he's been dead for about a year at the start of the novel. He loved collecting coins and also loved Alice in Wonderland. Ally has his old copy of the book

Who is Ally's Grandpa


Who make's the world's smallest pizza?

Who is Giovanni?


Mrs. Vella is Ally's teacher at the beginning of the novel. She's pregnant and soon to go on maternity leave. Ally doesn't dislike Mrs. Vella; in fact, she's thrilled to be able to give Mrs. Vella a good bye.

Who is Mrs. Hall


I planted so much corn

in my giant field

I have a lot of hope 

for the crops it will ________

What is yield