Organ to convert oxygen in water into usable oxygen for the fish.
Hole in Head-
holes all in the fish's body.
Laying of eggs.
Egg barriers-
Lay their egg in mud - hatch from it.
Small fish eat them.
Lateral Line-
Mid line of the fish.
Anchor worm-
attaches to fish's body everywhere.
Juvenile fish.
Egg scatterers-
Lays eggs in haphazard manner on aquarium floor.
Larger fish eat them.
Dorsal fin-
Fin on top of the fish; contains spines.
Velvet disease-
Velvet like look on fish and dust.
Sperm containing substance.
Egg depositors-
Deposits egg on nest and protects it.
Live food-
Predator fish eat these- carnivores.
Posterior fin-
Find behind the dorsal fin; contains no spines.
Fin rot-
fins get ripped and broken and discolored.
Nest builders-
Deposit their eggs in a nest.
Frozen or freeze dried food-
Pectoral fin-
Fin behind the gills.
Swim bladder-
Eggs hatch within the body of the female - lays eggs.
Live bearers-
Male deposits milt in female.
How often do you feed a fish?
2-3 times a day.