These are the two main categories into which natural resources are divided.
What are renewable and non-renewable resources?
This term refers to the science of managing wild animal populations and their habitats.
What is wildlife management?
One major threat to aquatic ecosystems that harms water quality and aquatic life is called this.
What is pollution
Parks help protect various types of these resources, including minerals and fossil fuels.
What are natural resources
This law helps protect endangered species in the United States.
What is the Endangered Species Act
This type of resource can be replenished naturally over time.
What is a renewable resource?
This component of wildlife management includes things like food and water for animals.
What is a habitat
This process, accelerated by human activity, leads to soil erosion and habitat loss.
What is deforestation
These natural features, like geysers and hot springs, are often protected in national parks.
What are geological features
This act regulates water pollution, aiming to improve water quality across the U.S.
What is the Clean Water Act
This type of resource cannot be replenished within a human lifetime.
What is a non-renewable resource?
These types of ecosystems, which include both freshwater and marine environments, are crucial for biodiversity.
What are aquatic ecosystems
These non-native species are introduced into ecosystems where they often outcompete or harm native species.
What are invasive species
This type of program focuses on sustainable resource use in parks, often educating visitors about conservation
What are educational programs
This practice involves the careful management of land and wildlife to ensure that resources are used without depleting them.
What is conservation
These resources are essential for wildlife and ecosystems and include elements like water, minerals, and energy sources.
What are natural resources
The preservation of this is critical for maintaining biodiversity in national parks.
What is wildlife
his phenomenon, caused by human activity, can disrupt ecosystems and threaten species survival through rising temperatures and changing weather patterns.
What is climate change
Parks play an important role in preserving these types of ecosystems, which are home to diverse plant and animal species.
What are forest ecosystems
This resource is essential for all living organisms and is often conserved in national parks.
What is water
This component of a wildlife habitat, alongside food and water, is necessary for animals to survive and thrive.
What is shelter
This term describes the maximum population size that an environment can support sustainably.
What is carrying capacity
These protected areas play a key role in conserving resources like water and wildlife.
What are national parks