Phylum Hemichordata/Phylum Chordata
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii and Class Sarcopterygii
Infraphylum Vertebrata
How many integument layers do the craniata have?
Craniate have two integument layers that are epidermis and dermis.
What is the common name for cephalochordata?
Lancelet, does not have a heart but moves blood.
What is the difference between the class actinopterygii and class sarcopterygii?
Actinopterygii have ray-finned fishes. Sarcopterygii have lobed-finned fishes.
What is the name for the extinct jawless fish that had armor to protect from predation.
What is the lung fish? Meaning do they have lungs?
Lung fish have lungs. It is real unusual, can do a little respiration in air.
The phylum hemichordata are they deuterostomes or protostomes and are they pseudocoelomates or eucoelomates?
They phylum hemichordata and the rest of the phylums/classes are deuterostomes and have eucoelomates.
What is the animal we discussed in class consist of in the subphylum urochordata?
Are most of the actinopterygii oviparous, viviparous, or ovoviviparous?
Most actinopterygii are oviparous.
Do sharks in the class chondrichthyes have a flap or gill openings?
The sharks in the class chondrichthyes have gill openings this is why the have to keep constantly moving or they will not be able to breathe.
What is the animal we discussed in class that belongs to the Infraphylum Hyperotreti? Hint: They are jawless.
Hagfishes, class myxini. Have notochords but they do not have vertebra, bones, or skeleton. Rasping organ to scrape the flesh off the prey. Mouth with four pairs of tentacles to eat.
What is one thing the phylum hemichordata and the phylum chordata have in common?
They both have pharyngeal gill slits.
Does the tunicates go through metamorphosis?
Yes, the tunicates go through metamorphosis. In the larvae stage it has all four characteristics. As an adult it does loses some of the characteristics.
What is the tail? Meaning at what point does the tail have to be beyond to be considered the body extension?
The anus
How many chambered hearts do the class chondrichthyes consist of?
The class chondrichthyes have 2-chambered hearts.
How does the reproduction occur for the urochordata and the cephalochordata?
The urochordata are monecious and the cephalochordata are dioecious.
The Subphylum Craniata have a digestive tract with muscles to do what?
The digestive tract with muscles have a purpose to grind food.
How many parts of the brain does the craniata have?
3 part brain with 10-12 pairs of cranial nerves.
Between the class actinopterygii and class sarcopterygii, which one contains lungs?
The class sarcopterygii contains lungs. Ex. the lungfish.
What is the animal we discussed in zoology for the class petromyzontida. Remember... Petromyzontida deals with the jawless fish.
Lamprey, sucking mout and teeth used to feed on other fish, straight body.
How can fish position themselves in water? There are two ways.. Just name one.
1. Swim bladder 2. Oils in their tissues are heavier than water
Name one animal we discussed in class that is part of the phylum hemichordata.
The acorn worms.
What is the four characteristics of chordata?
1. Pharyngeal Gill Slits 2. Dorsal Hollow Nerve Chords 3. Post-anal tail 4. Notochord
Do actinopterygii and sarcopterygii have lids to open and close their eyes and do they have external fertilization?
They do not have lids. Their eyes are always open. They do have external fertilization.
What is it that the class chrondrichthyes "Sharks" do not have that all the other phylums "fish" have? There are two things they do not have... Name one...
Class Chrondrichthyes do not have swim bladders and operculum.
What is freshwater fish? Meaning do freshwater fish are hypotonic or hypertonic? Long tubules or short tubules in kidneys?
Freshwater fishes are hypertonic and have short tubules in kidneys. Marine fishes are hypotonic and have long tubules in kidneys.