Kenny Waller
Tom Bollig
Mike Katz
Ed Coan
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Most strength and conditioning coaches adhere to the concept of ________________; or organizing their training programs into cycles so that each cycle has a specific physiological goal, with the ultimate goal being to bring their athletes to a peak at the appropriate time
What is periodization or linear progression
During exercise, the highest rate of energy expenditure is mostly due to ___________________.
What is overall exercise intensity
Performing contractions at slow velocities (not intentionally) is associated with ______ force production.
What is Higher
Which of the following lower-body exercises is a single-joint exercise? Barbell back squat, Leg extension, Leg press, Barbell lunge
What is Leg extension
Which of the following is NOT a way to progressively overload a client?
What is Keeping the same weight and increasing the rest period
Which of the following should be taken into consideration when programming for hypertrophy? Adding more single joint exercises, Isolating individual muscles, Pairing synergists when selecting exercises
What is All of these choices.
In considering the vertical jump, which of the following will most likely have the greatest transfer of training effect?
What is Barbell Squat jumps at 50% of 1 RM
Training ________ is equal to: sets (number) x repetitions (number) x resistance (weight).
What is Volume
The difference in muscle strength between male and female exercisers may be tied to the _______________
What is Quantity of Tissue
Total caloric expenditure during resistance exercise (and recovery) is most related to:
What is The total work accomplished in the exercise or training session
How many reps are appropriate when training for maximal strength?
What is 1-5
When programming for a sport, which of the following is NOT a consideration that should be taken into account to ensure that the program is appropriate for the athlete? Common injury sites for the sport, physiological needs of the sport, The muscle actions involved in the sport, The athletes gender
The athletes gender
Volume load is an estimate of ________.
What is Work accomplished
Which of the following kinesthetic receptors facilitates muscle contraction in response to stretch?
What is Muscle spindles
SSC stands for
What is stretch-shortening cycle
Expression of muscular strength requires
What is Both neurological recruitment of muscle fibers and the ability of the muscle fibers to contract
Hypertrophy occurs due to an increase in what protein(s) in the sarcomere ?
What is Actin and Myosin
In order to progress a strength program the primary consideration is to increase
What is Weight/Load
When beginning a program for a client which of the following should be considered first?
What is needs analysis for the client.
As the load increases, the maximal number of repetitions that can be performed ________.
What is Decreases
According to the power-velocity relationship, the greatest mechanical power output is produced when the muscle is shortening at a velocity that is 30% to 60% of maximum. True or False ?
What is True
The majority of athletic strength and conditioning programs today emphasize the use of _____________ as the preferred mode of resistance training.
What is Free Weights
Which muscle action potentially produces the most tension?
What is Eccentric
Strength gains are influenced by ?
What is Number of sets per exercise, Rest period length, Load.
Heavy- and light-day training refer to aspects of the (Hint: Weeklong)
What is Microcycle