the body's ability to meet daily physical demands
Why did the fish stop lifting weights?
He pulled a mussel.
what is one if the 3 training principles listed in the textbook?
overload, specificity, or progression principles.
What does BMI stand for?
a health problem characterized by three conditions - amenorrhea, disordered eating, and osteoporosis
femalesthlete triad
Why did the bodybuilder bring a ladder to the gym?
To finally get to the next level!
what are the three training principles listed in the textbook?
overload, specificity, and progression principles.
What does AHA stand for?
American Heart Association
the heart rate to aim for while performing aerobic exercise that leads to optimal cardiovascular fitness
target heart rate
Why did the gym-goer break up with his gym?
It just wasn’t “working out!”
What does NASPE stand for?
activity occurring in the absence of oxygen
cardiorespiratory fitness
Why don’t bodybuilders ever have trouble making decisions?
Because they always “weigh” their options!
progression principle
What does FITT stand for?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type
a condition in which a female's menstral cycle is abnormally absent
Why did the ab workout get canceled?
Because it couldn’t “stomach” it anymore!
standard which staes that exercising a particular component leads to improvements the fitness of only that component
specificity principle
What does HHS stand for?
(The US Department of) Health and Human Services