What is the first step in the scientific method?
What is health?
Health is freedom from disease and debilitating conditions as well as optimal wellness in all five components (physical, emotional-mental, social, intellectual, and spiritual)
What does SMART stand for?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
What is Step 4 of Program Planning?
Structure a program and write it down.
What Professional Golf player has won 81 pga tours, the highest of all time.
Tiger Woods
Explain Step 3: Collect Information
Conduct a search for information about benefits and risks of the problem you have.
What are the 6 parts of health related fitness?
Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility, Body Composition, Power
What is a Short-term goal?
Goals that should be obtainable within a few days or weeks.
Why shouldn't a student work out their biceps everyday?
What professional sport season has just begun?
List two out of the seven sciences under Kinesiology.
Exercise Physiology, Exercise anatomy, biomechanics, exercise psychology, exercise sociology,motor learning, and sport pedagogy.
What are the 5 parts of skill related fitness?
Balance, Coordination, Speed, Reaction time, and Agility
What is a Process goal?
Process refers to what you do rather than to the product resulting from what you do.
List 3 activities to consider for program planning.
Calisthenics, Weight Machines, Free weights, Elastic Bands
Explain what a Tabata workout is.
4 different exercises. 8 rounds. 20 secs on, 10 seconds off. 1 minute rest between rounds.
Explain what exercise anatomy is.
What is Muscular Endurance?
The ability to use your muscles many times without tiring.
What is a Product Goal? & give an example
Product goal is something tangible that results from work of effort.
What is an example of a self-assessment that we use that can help us figure out our personal needs?
Fitnessgram Test: Push-ups, Curl-ups, Mile-run, Pacer Test, Sit n Reach
Milliet: Secret Agent
Sakata: Blaze