Beep Test & 40m sprint
Kasch Boyer Step test
Wall Squat test
Seated Medicine ball throw & Alternate hand wall test
Vertical jump test

What equipment is required for the Beep Test?

The equipment required for the Beep Test includes a flat, non-slip surface, markers, a 20m measuring tape, and a Beep test audio/speaker.


Describe the procedure for the Kasch Boyer Step Test.

The Kasch Boyer Step Test involves stepping on and off a 30 cm high box for three minutes. The result is the heart rate taken at the completion of the activity.


Explain the equipment needed for the Wall Squat Test.

The equipment needed for the Wall Squat Test includes a smooth wall, a stopwatch, and an assistant.


What equipment is required for the Seated Medicine Ball Throw Test?

The equipment required for the Seated Medicine Ball Throw Test includes a flat wall, a medicine ball (4kg), and a measuring tape.


What equipment is used for the Vertical Jump Test?

The equipment used for the Vertical Jump Test includes a Vertical Jump Test apparatus with plastic fingers and base and a room or area with a ceiling at least 4m high.


How is the Beep Test conducted, and what is the result based on?

The Beep Test is conducted by continuously running between two markers, 20 meters apart, in time to recorded beeps. The result is the number of completed 100m laps before retiring.


What is the result of the Kasch Boyer Step Test, and how is it measured?

The heart rate is taken five seconds after the test is completed.


What is the procedural error associated with the Wall Squat Test?

Procedural errors for the Wall Squat Test include holding the incorrect position and not lifting the foot approximately 5 cm off the ground.


What is the recommended distance from the wall for the alternate hand ball toss test?

The recommended distance from the wall for the Alternate Hand Wall Toss Test is 2 meters.


Why is tiptoeing during the Vertical Jump Test not permitted?

Tiptoeing invalidates test, feet must remain flat during assessment.


What is the rating for a 13-year-old female who completes the test in 7.40 seconds?

The rating for a 13-year-old female who completes the test in 7.40 seconds is 'E'.


Provide the norms for the Female Kasch-Boyer Step Test for the age of 15 years.

The norms for the Female Kasch-Boyer Step Test for the age of 15 years are: Rating T (≤90), E (96–115), C (116–130), H (≥131).


How does lifting the foot during the Wall Squat Test affect results?

Lifting foot invalidates test, proper form is crucial.


Explain the procedural error associated with the Seated Medicine Ball Throw Test.

Procedural errors in the Seated Medicine Ball Throw Test include the back leaving the wall on the follow-through.


Describe the correct procedure for the Vertical Jump Test

 The correct procedure for the Vertical Jump Test involves standing side-on to the wall, crouching down, and jumping up to touch the tape as high as possible.


How are procedural errors handled in the 40 metre Sprint Test?

Procedural errors in the 40 metre Sprint Test include false starts, and if a performer false starts, they must start again.


What is the purpose of using a metronome during the Kasch Boyer Step Test, and how does it contribute to the accuracy of the test?

Ensures consistent pace, synchronizing steps, enhancing test accuracy.


Why is it important to ensure a 90° angle during the Wall Squat?

Ensures accurate assessment, proper hip and knee joint alignment.


What is the result recorded in the Alternate Hand Wall Toss Test?

The result recorded in the Alternate Hand Wall Toss Test is the number of successful catches in 30 seconds.


Why is swinging the arms during the jump not permitted?

Prevents artificial momentum, ensuring accurate assessment of vertical jump.


What happens if a participant fails to make it to the 20m line before the beep sounds?

If a participant fails to make it to the 20m line before the beep sounds, they are given a warning. If the participant fails to make the line before the next beep, they are eliminated.


In the Kasch Boyer Step Test, if a participant fails to maintain the required pace of one up-down cycle every two seconds for the entire three minutes, what impact does it have on the test results, and how should it be addressed?

Deviations affect accuracy, repeat test if necessary for reliability.


What are the norms for the Male Wall Squat Test for the age of 14 years?

The norms for the Male Wall Squat Test for the age of 14 years are: Rating T (≥76), E (56-75), C (31-55), H (≤30).


Provide the norms for the Female Medicine Ball Test for the age of 14 years.

The norms for the Female Medicine Ball Test for the age of 14 years are: 

Rating T (+ 5.50m), E (4m – 5.49m), C (2.5m – 3.99m), H     (>2.49cm).


How is the Absolute Jump Height (AJH) calculated in the Vertical Jump Test?

Subtract reach height from highest jump height for Absolute Jump Height.