Discover product opened in the name of a specific person who did not authorize the opening of the account.
An internal system used for the documentation of Fraud Case Investigations (leads, disputed transactions, etc.) as it relates to Credit Card accounts.
Account notes indicate the customer is currently hospitalized and suffers from dementia.
Elder Financial Exploitation
A week after a credit card account opens, the customer's address is updated and a new card is sent. The card is then used for multiple purchases, which are disputed by the customer.
Fraud App
There are an even number of participants on the dispute committee
An unauthorized third party gains control over a legitimate Discover account
Account Takeover
Account notes reference a merchant document. In order to see these documents you should go to...
DCDS (Merchant Document Review)
Excessive scribbling on a check received by Discover
Fraudulent Document
An application is submitted and a credit card account is opened. There are several BT mismatches. The customer calls in and says she was working with a debt consolidator who would assist her, but she had to open a credit card with Discover first. What happened here?
The customer was scammed
Discover Customer is 24 years of age, suffers from mental/physical disability, requires in home attendants, and activity is disputed by their PoA as belonging to their caregiver.
An EFE SAR should be filed.
Misuse of an account to gain access to more funds (or credit) than are available in the account; often through the submission of bad payments.
The notes in FIAT match the notes found in Orion
Negative media identified suggesting the customer was arrested at a house with large amounts of drugs present.
Drug Trafficking
Katie disputes $5,000 in Starbucks purchases and is issued a credit (on a new account) by Discover. Katie makes several large purchases at Target, and is found responsible for the previously disputed items. The credit is reversed, and his balance exceeds the credit limit.
Bust Out (via fraud claim)
Drug Trafficking
Customer is deceived into conducting activity with their account on behalf of a third party. The activity then causes financial harm to the customer.
Location to find documents on FIU Procedures and guidance for SARs
Multiple balance transfer mismatches.
Scam, ATO, Fraud App, etc.
The customer lives in Columbus. Discover receives a phone call from the customer, who says they're vacationing in Tampa, but left their Discover card at home. They request an emergency card be sent to their location. What could be happening?
Account Takeover
Spencer's vote as a Sr. Manager counts for more votes than the rest of the dispute committee
False (though he'll argue otherwise)
12 nominal payments are submitted to the account during the review period; 8 of which are returned for NSF. Minimal purchases have been made during the review period, and the account is $300 over the credit limit.
Account mismanagement and/or financial hardship
The location you would find information related to the activation of an AB's credit card.
F5 Tab of Orion
Customer claims fraud on their account but is later held liable. Account credits are then reversed.
Sally has a credit card with Discover. She calls Discover to add her son, Billy, as an authorized user. Billy conducts $8,100 at various furniture stores, and Sally disputes the purchases.
No Fraud
Fields previously required to be completed with EFE SARs that are no longer required
Tab 2 Note and SAR Advisory Key Term