
The objective in words is based upon the one who is saying them except ….

for the one who is taking the oath , is based on the one requesting it.


The word yaqueen from the root Yakina

Yakina Al-maa : stayed in the container


How many types of 30rf are there? Name them.


Lawful/ Unlawful


An Ayah that indicates that Allah did not burden us with duties that we can not handle

لا يكلف الله نفسا الا وسعها


Why did Allah legislate intentions? What are the benefits of prescribing intentions for actions

Getting ajr and a reward

Differentiate between the acts of worship

Differentiate between ritual actions vs an action of obedience toward Allah SWT: making ghossl 

The ritual actions become act of worship when you add an intention to it


What are the levels of uncertainty?

Dhan, Shak, Wahm, Jahl


How do we know if the Fitrah is intact?

If it is close to what Allah made permissible and away from what Allah made impermissible?


We are obliged by the Sharia law to take on certain concessions

Yes, like not praying when menstruating


Can we do actions without intention?

  • Extreme rage

  • Something done by accident

  • No control when doing actions


Whoever is not sure whether he has done something or not?

He certainly has not done it


How does knowing the types of Sunna make this maxim legal?

The third type of Sunnah is acknowledging people’s customs


Reasons Sharia allow to make concessions

  1. Travel 

  2. coercion 

  3. Sickness 

  4. Forgetfulness

  5. Ignorance 

  6. Presence of hardship

  7. Something is difficult but it does not really reach the level of hardship but many people become affected byit 

  8.  Natural deficiencies


What are the three words Allah uses in the Quran about the Niyyah

Ikhlas: wa ma oumirou ila lia3bodou allah mokhlisssin 

Irada: minkom nan youridou aldonia wa minkoum man youridou al akhira

Ibtighaa wajhi Allah: desire the face of allah SWT: metaphorical sentence that does not mean the face of Allah  but it is done sincerely for the sake


Should things, in principle, be permissible or forbidden?

 The strongest ruling that most of scholars of Islam are in agreement with, is that

things in principle are permissible: هُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ لَكُم مَّا فِ الأَرْضِ جَمِ عٌا ...


Indicate from the sunnah a proof for 3orf?

جاءت هندٌ إلى النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللَّهُ عليْهِ وسلَّم، فقالت: يا رسولَ اللَّهِ إنَّ أبا سفيانَ رجلٌ شحيحٌ، لا يعطيني ما يَكفيني وولَدي، إلَّا ما أخذتُ من مالِهِ، وَهوَ لا يعلَمُ، فقال: خُذي ما يَكفيكِ وولدَكِ بالمعروفِ


Examples of the following concessions: 

  1. The ruling is uplifted all together

  2. Concession that is lessened 

  3. Concession of replacement

1-Menstruating women and prayers




A powerful combination from the Quran that set the foundation of the Qaida:

هو الذي خلق لكم مافي الأرض جميعا

هو الذي فصل لكم ما حرم عليكم


When 3orf is taken into consideration in Sharia, there are 3

  1. An takoun ghaliba: predominant:  

  2. The 3orf should not be changed by another 3orf : The 3orf should not go against an explicit text and should not go against what is supposed to be an objective of the rule

  3. The objectives of 3orf are to maximize benefit and  minimize harm


Five conditions are to be met for the state to be a necessity, state all of them.

1-the necessity should be right here, right now and not something anticipated

2-if there is a way where this necessity could be dealt with in a permissible way then it has to be used first

3-It has to be at a level that you fear for your life or something close to

4-You should not transgress against the rights of others through the excuse of necessity

5-You take from the impermissible what is needed.