When your mind is fixed, locked.
Fixed Mindset. A Fixed Mindset is locked, stuck, doesn't think it can learn or get smarter. This is no way to go through life.
Mistakes help us learn.
True. Mistakes help us to improve, try different strategies and gain a better understanding.
I can't do this...
I can't do this... YET. But I'll keep trying.
I made a mistake.
Mistakes help me learn.
It’s good enough.
Is this really my best work?
When you know your mind can grow.
Growth Mindset. A Growth Mindset is open and ready for challenges that will help us grow. This is the mindset for a happy, successful life.
Learning is easy.
False. What's easy and hard varies for each person.
I'm not good at this...
I'm not good at this... YET. But I'll keep trying and my brain will be stronger.
This is too hard.
Everything is hard before it gets easy.
I can’t read.
I’m going to train my brain in reading.
Mistakes are proof I'm learning.
Growth Mindset. Mistakes are awesome, they help us learn and move forward.
Our brains are like a muscle.
True. The more we exercise and work, the smarter we become.
I'll never be as smart as others...
I may not be as smart as others... YET. But with effort I will get smarter each day.
I don't understand.
What am I missing?
I’m not good at this.
I can get better with effort and practice.
This is just too difficult.
Fixed Mindset. Challenges make us smarter and stronger. Don't be afraid of them, welcome them as a chance to help you grow.
You're either born smart or you're not.
False. We can all learn new things and get smarter.
I don't understand this, it's too hard.
I don't understand this... YET. But I will use some strategies I've learned to try to figure it out.
I give up.
I'll try some strategies that I've learned.
I’ll never be as smart as her.
I’m going to figure out what she does and try it.
This might take me awhile to figure out.
Growth Mindset. Bring it on, I am not afraid of hard work. I know the effort it will take will make me smarter and stronger.
When I make a mistake, I should just give up.
False. Mistakes help us learn. When we make a mistake, we need to keep trying.
This doesn't make sense...
This doesn't make sense... YET. I'll keep trying until I get it.
I can't make this any better.
I’m on the right track and I can improve.
I am so confused, I'll never get this.
This may take some time and effort.