What are the top three things students forget to bring to class?
Pencil, charged Chromebook, and materials for that class.
What are drinks that get us through the WORKday?
Coffee, tea, celsius, pop, bubblr, water
Admin says this when staff morale is low: RYW
Remember your why
Department most likely to show a video during class.
Social Studies
What are excuses students say when they are tardy?
"I was in the bathroom," "I was in the office getting a pass," or "I couldn't open my locker."
What is the universal staff response to "How are you doing?" (when in fact you are not doing well) (also a popular meme)
It's fine, I'm fine, everything is fine.
What we say to students when they ask to go to the bathroom at a bad time: IIAE
Is it an emergency?
Department who gives the most homework.
What are the two most common tabs students close on their Chromebook when you walk by?
Youtube and Cool Math games
Name three things we do on our prep, other than actually prep.
Talk to a coworker, fix the copy machine, fill out DBRs, scroll on our phone, go to the bathroom, stare into the abyss.
What students say when we tell them to put their phone away: IWTMM
I was texting my mom.
Department most technologically challenged
Name three questions students ask all the time.
"Is it an A day or B day," "What are we doing today," "What time does class end," "What time is it," "Can I borrow a Chromebook," "Do you have any food," "Can I go to the bathroom/get a drink."
List three oddly satisfying teacher things.
Warm papers right out the copier, a perfect seating chart, empty turn in bins, freshly sharpened pencils, clean email inbox, clean desk.
Something admin reminds us to do every staff meeting: RTTA
Remember to take attendance
Department that is the tightest clique.
Name three things students have in their locker other than school supplies.
Gum, Bubblr, hair brush, perfume/cologne, lotion, mirror, an entire bag of hot cheetos, sports equipment
List three most common gifts students get.
Candles, gift cards, coffee mugs, candy
What students say when they have a low grade and its the day before end of semester: WCIDTGMGU
What can I do to get my grade up?
Department most likely to be Atheist.
Science Department.