It indicates the number of carbon numbers in the DNA’s sugar backbone, it is an end to end chemical relation of a single strand of nucleic acid, the specific indications show the number of carbon atoms in a deoxyribose sugar molecule to which a phosphate group bonds.
What does 5 prime and 3 prime mean in DNA?
Proteins that bind to DNA and attract RNA polymerase, making the double helix of DNA to open up while RNA makes a complementary mRNA strand for the DNA template strand.
What are transcription factors?
Where can we find the CRISPR sequence?
To contain a pathogen in a certain area of the body using inflammation and a very quick reaction.
What is the main purpose of the innate immune response?
One is dedicated to the pulmonary circuit (oxygenating the blood), whereas the other is dedicated to the systemic circuit (circulating the blood to the rest of the body).
Why do we have two halves of the heart?
One has a 2-carbon ring structure and the other only has 1. Adenine and guanine are in one category, and thymine and cytosine are in the other.
What is a distinguishing factor between purines and pyrimidines? Which of the nitrogenous bases fit into each category?
The result would be a "nonsense" point mutation, whereby the protein chain would end up either slightly or a great deal shorter than was originally expected.
What would happen if I substituted a stop codon for a codon that was not a stop-designation?
What is the difference between tracrRNA and crRNA?
Onset of this process takes much longer and is much more targeted than its predecessor. The process involves many similar cells to that which precedes it but is for all intents and purposes different.
How is the adaptive immune system different from the innate immune system?
There would be no way for blood to rapidly traverse through the blood vessels, and oxygen would die out before reaching the bodily extremes.
What would happen if there was no heart?
The phosphate group, the pentose sugar, and the nitrogenous base. Looking for a specific correct answer here!
What structures make up the nucleotide?
Transcription has the role of producing messenger RNA that serves as a template for translation. If transcription was no longer present, then no RNA would be produced having an effect on the body where the body would not be able to produce proteins.
What would result from the impairment of transcription?
Societal imbalance, preferential treatment, and a moral grey area for where to draw the line with this practice.
What are some of the moral drawbacks of CRISPR/CAS9?
If this was not secreted into the tissue outside the blood vessels, we could not establish a gradient across the blood vessel membrane and the white blood cells would not be able to leave.
What is IL-8?
In order to ensure that blood is pumped at a high enough pressure to travel through the entire body. It is also important that the pressure is not too high when going to the lungs, so that capillaries don’t burst and adequate oxygen is picked up.
Why are there two ventricles instead of one?
There would be no human development and diversity; cells would not be able to reproduce meaning humans could not survive and immediate extinction would result.
What would occur in the absence of DNA?
This region, which proteins bind to, initiates the transcription of a single RNA from DNA. They do this by attracting transcription factors, compounds that bind to the DNA and attract the RNA polymerase.
What role does the promoter region of DNA play in transcription?
CRISPR/CAS9 is a genome editing tool that can be used on eukaryotic organisms. It can be used to target a specific gene that has a mutation causing cystic fibrosis, for example, the CFTR gene. The CAS 9 protein can be used to cut out the mutation located in the gene and replace it with a corrected sequence.
How would one use CRISPR/CAS9 to cure a patient's CF?
The innate immune cells with receptors that recognize one (bacterial cell wall peptidoglycans, bacteria flagella, dsRNA, etc.) are more of a “visual” recognition that act similarly to antigens. The innate immune cells that recognize the other (ATP, HSP, uric acid crystals) are more of a “physical” recognition that are products of bacteria and viruses.
How are PAMPS and DAMPS different in the innate immune system?
A patient would suffer from anemia resulting from their struggle to transport oxygen in their blood.
What would happen in the absence of hemoglobin?
One runs from 5' to 3' and offers the same genetic sequence (with a letter substitution) as the mRNA. The other runs from 3' to 5' and offers a basis by which the mRNA is coded, but it has only complementary bases to the mRNA.
What is the difference between a coding and a template strand? Which is which?
Natural, Mosaic, and Translocative, each of which involves a different expression of a certain mutation.
What are the varieties of Downs Syndrome?
The bacterial or influenced cell would recognize the viral DNA that has entered the body, but the CAS9 enzyme would remain stagnant and would not be attracted to nor cleave the viral DNA.
What would happen if a mutation disabled the effects of tracrRNA?
The leukocytes of a certain immune response is unable to attach to the walls of blood vessels because of a failure of the blood vessel walls to secrete this protein.
What is selectin?
If this were the case, the pressure would 1) burst blood out of the capillaries and into the lungs and 2) cause the blood to flow at such high speed that oxygen molecules wouldn’t have time to diffuse into the blood and bind to the hemoglobin molecules.
What would happen if there was one single heart ventricle that pumped blood at a high pressure instead of a high-pressure and low-pressure ventricle?