What sweet fake tobacco product did tobacco companies advertise to children?
Candy cigarettes, Big chew, etc
Why are e-cigarette flavors dangerous to youth?
They increase addiction in young people
Are flavors used in smokeless tobacco?
Yes, they are still legal
What is the name of only legal flavor of cigarettes?
Flavors appeal to what age group?
Why are candy cigarettes dangerous?
Because they get youth used to the idea of smoking
True or False: Flavors in e-cigarettes don't hurt your body, they only increase addiction in youth.
False, flavors can cause specific health problems AND increase addiction
What fruit was smokeless tobacco being compared to in the ad?
Menthol increases the effect of ____ in the brain?
Is flavorless tobacco safer than flavored tobacco
No tobacco product is safe
Name TWO ways candy cigarettes appealed to children?
Flavors, mascots, looks like parents
What age group uses flavored e-cigarettes the LEAST?
65 and up (seniors)
What do tobacco companies want you to think when you see FRUIT Flavored Smokeless Tobacco?
That it is like food/fruit, so it's safe/healthy
Menthol hides what side-effects of smoking?
Throat dryness, coughing, hoarse voice, etc
What flavored tobacco product is the most used?
What cartoon character was used to advertise candy cigarettes in the example?
What percent of e-cigarette smokers use flavored products?
Review: What sport is associated with smokeless tobacco?
Menthol cigarettes were first sold as a cure for this common illness?
Common cold/cough
Flavored products HIDE what from the person using it?
The taste/side effects of tobacco
When were candy cigarettes banned?
2009, but they are still sold as "candy sticks"
Name ONE health effect e-cigarette flavors have (besides increasing addiction)
Hurt blood flow, damage baby, easier to get sick, gut inflammation, behavioral changes, damage to heart
Why do tobacco companies want to hide the taste of smokeless tobacco with flavors?
You'll forget it's tobacco, easier to use, hides the effects
Why are menthol cigarettes harder to quit than traditional cigarettes?
Easier to smoke, tobacco companies secretly increased amount of nicotine
Why do tobacco companies use flavors to get youth addicted?