These are what the Two Testaments of the Bible are called
What are the Old Testament and New Testament
Name any miracle Jesus did
Walked on water, raised Lazarus from the dead, gave blind sight, made deaf hear, made lame walk, calmed the storm, fed the 5000, water into wine, cast out demons, healed lepers, etc.
What is a disciple?
Follower of Jesus that does the things Jesus does.
This man was a monk in the 1500s in Germany.
Martin Luther
10 Commandments, Lord's Prayer, Apostles Creed, Sacraments
This is a version of the Bible
NRSV, NIV, King James, Message, Easy to Read Bible, ESV, etc.
Was Jesus human or God (what percentage of each)
Fully human and fully God
This is the prayer that starts "Our Father who art in heaven."
Lord's Prayer
This man was an African-American civil rights leader in Georgia in the 1960s who wrote the "I have a Dream Speech."
Martin Luther King Jr.
These are at least 3 of the things Jesus means when he says bread in the Lord's Prayer
Literally, anything we need to get through our day-to-day life
This is the language the New Testament was written in
Greek (koine)
This is the point of baptism
Why do we pray?
Not as a vending machine. So that we have a relationship with God and God shapes us so that we care about the things (and people) God cares about.
This is who Luther wrote the Small Catechisms
Families around the dinner table
Baptism and Holy Communion
This is the language the Old Testament was written in?
Hebrew and Aramaic
This is why Jesus died on the cross
To show the love of God to us. To bring the kingdom of God on earth and to defeat the power of death. To show us the way of love that we should take up our own cross and live for others, etc.
According to Romans 8:38, what can separate us from the love of God?
This was what the Catholic Church was selling that Martin Luther disagreed with?
Indulgences (money or works to forgive sin)
These are the 3 people the Apostles creed is about
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
These are who wrote the Bible
Humans inspired by God
What is the kingdom of God?
The presence of God in the world through his people. Bringing heaven down to earth. Breaking down barriers so that all people throughout the world are reconciled in community. Redeeming this world through healing, justice, and love, etc.
Why do we go to church?
Martin Luther nailed this on the church door in Wittenberg, Germany
95 Theses
When we ask God to forgive us, what are we supposed to do as well?
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who forgive others who trespass against us"