We covered this pillar, and this is my top takeaway.
What is Create Culture, Not Goals; Be a Friend, Not a Vendor; Have a Plan. Any Plan. And Stick to It! (answers may vary)
The AE & AFC should hold these two meetings regarding a new client.
What are the AFC Transition Meeting & AFC Intro Call?
Purchase option requests for which clients (mrkt rating) will need to be reviewed by Fiona before we allow a customer to buy out a vehicle?
ALL purchase option requests (D & X clients, too!)
This is the required down payment for AME over $10,000.
What is 50% of AME?
What is our team goal for top 5 completion and what percentage are we currently at?
What is 100%/86%
WOW's are logged in these two places in Salesforce.
What are on the WOWWOWWOW page & under the account/contact as a "New WOW"?
The Onboarding Playbook in Salesforce should be updated this often.
What is In Real Time?
True or False – ALL customers have been placed on equity rolled as a credit requirement (regardless of fleet equity).
True! All requests for checks or invoice credits will be treated as a credit exception and should be tasked to Fiona.
This is a temporary measure since there is a high risk right now of not receiving customer payments.
This is the AM or AFC's in reviewing the Shipped Units report.
What is the AM calls the customer for vehicles arriving early & the AFC sends email notification to the customer?
Name 3 website updates that were released last week:
What is:
Added Training on the Billing Tab
Added a space for COVID-19 Information
Citations changes (The ‘Toll Management Program’ column has been renamed Agency to accurately reflect the toll or citation type)
Changes to Alerts (drivers would get an oil change alert when they came on one of our maintenance programs but would not get another until service had been completed. Going forward, they will get one a month until their first service.)
Driver Updates (New icon to the left allows a pop-up of driver addresses)
These are EFM's 5 Pillars of Customer Service.
What are Create Culture, Not Goals; Be a Friend, Not a Vendor; Have a Plan. Any Plan. And Stick to It!; Focus on Complete Employee Satisfaction; Leadership Matters?
The Client Preferences in EDGE should be reviewed and updated this often.
What is every 6 months?
True or False- We should encourage our local clients to return their lease returns to rental branches currently.
False- they should be returning them to the PLOT or DLOT.
These three approvals are required for 0-26,000 GVWR high risk vehicles.
What are the TA Advisor, Risk Management, & CFM?
Who is our new Compliance Coordinator?
Who is Paul Coates
This is our plan for celebrating client birthdays and anniversaries while we are on lockdown
What is "Jib Jab"
These steps must occur prior to the AFC Intro Call.
What are the AFC transition meeting, intro call prep, and Outlook invite sent in advance to Courtney & AFC?
Last week, Rick sent out an email on the M.O.V.E website as a good option to check for clients with immediate stock needs. What is the M.O.V.E website and how can we utilize it?
Answers may vary (vehicle orphans from other groups)
This form, in addition to the signed quote, needs to be signed by the client on a used vehicle lease.
What is the Used Vehicle Addendum?
When we succeed in these four categories, we will achieve our 4th EAA in a row!
Last week, we had a POW WOW and discussed creative ways we can WOW our clients without spending money. Name 3 ideas we came up with.
Answers may vary-
Free Streaming:
Seattle Symphony - https://www.seattlesymphony.org/ & https://www.youtube.com/seattlesymphony
Seattle Aquarium - https://www.seattleaquarium.org/live-cams
Monterey Bay Aquarium - https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/live-cams (the shark cam is SO cool)
San Diego Zoo - https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/
"Virtual Family/Date Night"
Recipe/delivery suggestions
Wine pairing suggestion
Staying in Touch w/ Friends & Family
Quiplash - jackbox.tv
Google Hangouts
Sports documentaries
Free trail passes on NFL/NCAA to watch past games
Restaurants that are offering to-go/delivery in that clients area
Grocery stores that have pickup/delivery options
$15 wine from ESR - send recommendations/favorites
Continuing Education
Free course from Yale - The Science of Well Being
Rosetta Stone has a sale
Duolingo app/podcast
Class of 2020 (high school & college) may not have in person graduations - send a congrats card from our team?
K-12 At-Home Education
Send activity ideas and kid-friendly trivia to parents
Seeds/plants growing
"Why are flamingos pink?"
Scholastic free educational resources (Pre-K-12)
Arts & Culture Google website (virtual tours of landmarks, etc)
Khan Acadamy
Social Media
Artists sharing free live concerts on Social Media
Customer spotlight on Linked In (need permission for this)
Sharing job postings from our customers on Linked In
"Like" their Facebook pages
Five items that must be completed prior to the AFC Transition Meeting.
What are EDGE filled out completely, credit approved, file flow sheet complete, send customer website to AFC, customer preferences completed, schedule AFC intro call? (answers may vary)
For out of state lease returns, where should you check to see who to contact and the lead time for pickup?
What is the FM Remarketing roster (Rick sent this out to everyone last week). Corp / NVA created the US Pickup Delay tab. In it, it has estimated pick up times, driver availability, and authorized LOT locations to drop.
These five items need to be included when tasking Fiona for approval on a 26,001+, high risk, and/or non-standard unit.
What are the COI, vehicle spec, AME spec, GVWR, & TA Approval?
These "top five" facts about our clients are priority on the Client Relationship Dashboard.
What are marital status, kids, hobbies, charities, and college attended?