Talk My Ear Off
Watch That Tone
Solve That Problem
Figure It Out

Ask a classmate the last restaurant they went to.  Would they recommend it?  What food did they like there?  Keep the conversation going for at least 4 turns.

If you kept the conversation going for 4 turns, then you get 100 points!


Ask, "What's for dinner?" using a sad tone of voice.

If you used a sad tone of voice, you get 100 points!


Share a time that you stopped an argument.  What was the problem?  How did you stop it?  What happened afterward?

If you described the way you stopped an argument, the problem, and what happened afterward, you get 100 points!


A teacher had some crackers that she was snacking on at her desk. A student saw the crackers.

Student:  Hey, gimme some of those.
Teacher:  What?
Student:  Don't be stingy!  I'll give you some of my Takis!

The teacher is surprised that the student demanded some of her own food.  She also may feel uncomfortable sharing, in case the student has allergies.  She may feel the student asked rudely.

The student is hungry and saw food that she likes. She thought that if she shared her food, the teacher should share some of her food too. 


Ms. Schickton:  I am running late for work.  I am stuck in traffic.

Mr. Haugh: Oh, you really are in a pickle!

What does "in a pickle" mean?

It means you are in trouble and can't seem to solve your problem.


Pick a person in the room and tell them about the funniest (school appropriate) video you ever saw. Then ask them about their favorite funny video.

Make sure you comment on it or ask a question.

If you got the person's attention, described the funniest video, asked about theirs, and commented appropriately, you get 200 points!


Listen to Mrs. Dye read the sentence, "I don't have time for that right now." How did she sound?

annoyed                excited

If you said annoyed, you get 200 points!


In order to have friends, you must first be a good friend. What are some ways to be a good friend?

There are a number of correct answers.

Smile and greet them.
Ask about things that happen in their life.
Offer to talk with them if they are feeling down.
Invite them to hang out and do something fun.
Compliment them.
Offer to help them get work done.


Bobby grabs his favorite cereal in the cabinet only to find that there are just a few crumbs left.

His brother Travis took most of the last of the cereal, put the box back in the cabinet, and went on with his day.

Bobby is frustrated that Travis took the last of his favorite cereal and left only a few crumbs. Travis didn't just eat the rest of the cereal and throw the box away. Travis should have warned their parents that they were running low.

Travis wasn't thinking about cereal or Bobby. His stomach is full, so he put the box back in the cabinet. He did not think of the needs of others.


Ms. Rossy (walks into the classroom):  Gosh, what is going on? It feels like a sauna in here!

What does that mean?

It is very hot and humid in the classroom.

sauna:  a small room used as a hot air or steam bath


Choose an adult and ask them whether they enjoy camping and the outdoors.  Keep the conversation going by asking questions and making positive comments.  

If you got the adult to describe their feelings on nature and camping and if you kept the conversation going for at least 6 turns, you get 300 points!


Say, "I loved it," using a sarcastic tone of voice.

If your voice was sarcastic, you get 300 points!


Henry's grades were low, but he wasn't sure why. He doesn't remember what assignments he was supposed to complete. It embarrasses him.

What is the problem?

What is a good solution?

Henry can't remember his assignments because he doesn't check on his computer each day.  
Henry can't remember his assignments because he doesn't write them down.

Solution: Set up a routine where he checks his assignments and completes them at the same time each day. He can use a computer/phone alert to help him.


Sam doesn't do his homework all that often. He gets mad when his teachers or parents ask him about it. 

Sam might not understand the work. He gets overwhelmed and gives up. It is hard for him to work at something for a long time. It stresses him out.

His teachers and parents want him to feel confident and successful. They want to help Sam with his work, so he can feel good about it. 


Tanya begged her mom to take her to Chipotle for lunch, and she finally said yes.  After they went, Tanya was a ray of sunshine for the rest of the day.

What does "ray of sunshine" mean?

Tanya was happy, content, agreeable, in a positive mood.


Choose a partner and start a conversation with them about their weekend plans. 

The partner should only answer in one or two words. Other times the partner should look away and not answer at all. 

How did you feel?  How did your partner feel?

If you both completed this successfully, including a description of your feelings, then you get 400 points!


Say, "I am here for you," in a caring tone of voice.

If you used a caring tone of voice, you get 400 points!


A friend tells you that his mom has cancer.  He can't concentrate on his classes and puts his head down.

What is your friend feeling?

Is there a solution to the problem?  If so, what?

What can you say to your friend?

The friend is feeling:  scared, depressed, distraught

There is no solution to the friend's problem, but you can encourage him to talk to a teacher, school counselor, or therapist.

You can say, "I'm so sorry." "I am here for you if you want to talk." 


The students in Spanish class are being disruptive. They are talking loudly, and not doing their assignment. 

They would not listen to the teacher, so he gave them an extra assignment to complete.

Students' perspective:  
They are feeling excited and having trouble concentrating.  Or they are feeling bored.

Teacher's perspective:
He is responsible for teaching the course content effectively, so he feels frustrated and concerned. He may feel upset that he can't hold their attention.


I thought Hayley was my friend, but I found out yesterday that she stabbed me in the back.  She was being disingenuous!

What does "stabbed me in the back" mean?

stabbed me in the back = betrayal

Stabbing someone in the back means you said something mean about them to other people. This hurts their reputation, which is a proverbial "stab in the back" because it was done when the other person was not around, or behind their back.