The four forces of flight
What are: Gravity, Lift, Thrust, Drag
The mechanism on an airplane that helps create lift
What are the wings
A device used to slow down the force of gravity on an object falling from the sky.
What is a parachute
The upward push exerted by a fluid on an object, making it float.
What is buoyancy
His name is Rocky
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The force that opposes thrust
What is drag
The mechanism on an airplane that helps create thrust
What are the engines and propellers
The winner of the parachute challenge in our class
Who is HOLDEN!
Buoyancy opposes this force
What is gravity
The cutest and beautiful-est 2 year old in the world
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The force that opposes gravity/weight
What is lift
The mechanism on a plane that helps it to land safely. They are the first things to touch the ground.
What are the landing wheels.
Opening a parachute increases this
What is surface area and wind resistance
An object that has a higher density than the fluid it is in will...
What is sink
Where is Mrs. Warder today
The force that pushes an object upward
What is lift
The centermost part of the aircraft that holds the cargo and passengers.
What is the fusilage
This lighter-than-air flying device creates lift by uses a torch to heat up the air beneath it.
What is a hot air balloon
An object that has a lower density than the fluid it is in will...
What is sink
Spongebob Squarepants
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea
The natural force that holds or pushes an object backwards
What is drag
What are the ailerons
This lighter-than-air flying device uses helium to create lift.
What is an airship/ helium balloon
A measure of how tightly packed the matter in an object is
What is density
This is what you will find out tomorrow from Mrs. Warder!!
What is the baby's gender