He is one of the characters that narrates the story
Who is Bryce?
This is the meaning of this quote from Garrett to Bryce: "Dude, you have flipped, you know that?"
Bryce has changed. He now has feelings and cares for Juli
T/F: Juli wanted to meet and talk with Bryce as soon as he moved into the neighborhood
This is why Juli sniffed Bryce's hair in class
To help him on spelling tests
This is evidence for the theme "don't judge a book by its cover"
-The Baker's house looks poor and run down, but they are not bad people
-Juli's uncle is mentally handicapped, but that does not affect her
-Bryce's dad looks like a great person, but he is actually very judgmental and mean
This is the character who takes it upon himself to help Juli with her yard
Who is Chester "Chet" Duncan (Bryce's grandfather)
This is the meaning of this quote from Chet to Bryce: "One's character is set at an early age, son"
T/F: Mr. Baker slaps Lynetta after the big dinner
This is why Bryce and Garrett spied on Juli's backyard
To see if the chickens were roosters
This is evidence for the theme of the importance of family
-Juli's dad's continued relationship with his brother
-Juli wanting to visit David
-Juli supporting Matt and Mike's music
-Chet giving Bryce advice
This is the character with long hair that other students admired
Who is Shelly Stalls?
This is the meaning of this quote from Bryce: "I still had enough sense at the age of seven and a half to know that Juli Baker was dangerous"
Whose kite did Juli find and "rescue" from the sycamore tree?
This is why Chet befriended Juli and continued to help with her yard work
Because she reminded him of his late wife
This is the importance of the theme "integrity, responsibility, and respect"
-Bryce recognizing and admitting his feelings for Juli
-Juli bidding on Jon Trulock
-Lynetta standing up for Matt and Mike
-Bryce standing up to Garrett's comments
She is the person who bid $100 for Bryce's basket lunch
Who is Jenny?
This is the meaning of Juli's quote: "The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped"
She went crazy for Bryce. She was drawn to him and was very excited
This is where Bryce went to find Juli right after the Basket Boy lunch (before leaving school)
Where is the bike rack?
This is why Juli asked to visit David with her dad
Because she felt that she needed to get to know her uncle
This is evidence for the theme "appearances and popularity are not the most important things in life"
-Bryce agreed with Garrett's rude comment about Juli even though he didn't agree with it himself
-Bryce continued to accept and throw away Juli's eggs because he and his family didn't want to upset her
-Juli bid on Jon Trulock's basket lunch even though he was not a cool or popular kid
This is the neighbor that bought eggs from Juli
Who is Mrs. Stueby?
This is the meaning of this quote from Chet to Bryce: "Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some on glass... Every once in a while you'll find someone iridescent"
Juli is a special person who's character and personality shines. She is different from other people. She is unique
Juli's mom baked and brought pies to the Loski's dinner. What pies did she bake?
Blackberry cheesecake and pecan
This is why Juli voted for Jon Trulock to be a basket boy
Because she thought he was a nice and quiet kid
This is evidence for the theme of "money and economic status"
-The Loski's negative view on the Bakers because of their cheap and run down house, car, and bike
-The assumption that the eggs have salmonella because the yard is not nice
-Bidding lots of money for a special lunch to increase your own popularity