Heroic Hardware
Silly Software
STEM Girlies!
Guess the Disney movie

What is center of mass?

The point where an object’s mass is evenly distributed


What is the name of the coding language we talked about?



What was the name of the foundation Kimberly Bryant founded to create a better working environment for people like her daughter who were interested in computer programming?

a) Society of Women Engineers

b) Black Girls Software Society

c) Black Girls Code

d) Society Supporting Girls Coding

Black Girls Code


Anyone can cook! Including rats????



What is torque?

  • Torque = Amount of Twisting Force

  • Force is linear, Torque is Rotational

  • Need more torque to rotate heavier object

  • More Torque = More Power


Name 3 of the different command groups 

Hint: Each command group has different color blocks!

Any 3 suffice:

Motors, movement, light, sound, events, control, sensors, operators


Which one of the women we learned about took over the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge in the place of her sick husband?

a) Marie Curie

b) Ada Lovelace

c) Emily Roebling

d) Kimberly Bryant

e) Katherine Johnson

Emily Roebling


Popsicle lady runs away from home and builds a castle in 3 minutes and 39 seconds, she then discovers true love is the sisters we had along the way



What determines torque?

Force and radius


What are the different types of sensors and how do you use them?

For all, use an "if then block"

Touch sensor: Place "A(or whichever port has the sensor) is pressed" underneath the "if"part of the block), then under the "then" part of the block put what you want to happen when the button is pressed

ex: If A is pressed, then stop moving

Color senor: Place "A(or whichever port has the senor) is color_" under the "if" part of the block, then under the "then" part of the block put what you want to happen when it detects the specific color

ex: if A is color red, then stop moving

Distance sensor: Place "A(or whichever port has the sensor) is closer than/farther than _(distance)" under the "if" part of the block, then under the "then" part of the block put what you want to happen when it is closer or farther than a specified distance

ex: if A is closer than 10 cm, then stop moving


Which 2 fields did Marie Curie win Nobel prizes in? (Select 2)

a) Astronomy

b) Physics

c) Biology

d) Chemistry

e) Literature

f) Physiology

Physics and Chemistry

Not so special girl in special family discovers she is special and also that there are rats (and her uncle) living in her walls.



What is the design process? (hint: there are 5 steps)

*The team that guesses the most steps correctly wins the points

  1. Identify the Problem

  2. Brainstorm Solutions

  3. Prototype/Test those Solutions

  4. Combine into Final Product

  5. Test/Iterate


What is the purpose of the 'await' keyword? What happens if you don't add it?

Await stops the "routine" until the line of code is done

Without await : Code will run multiple lines at once 

By leaving out await , we can perform multiple actions at once!


Which one of the women we learned about was the first programmer?

Hint: She has a programming language named after her!

a) Marie Curie

b) Ada Lovelace

c) Emily Roebling

d) Kimberly Bryant

e) Katherine Johnson

Ada Lovelace


Girl with a dream escapes being grounded with a cooking utensil and the help of a felon and a chameleon.



Given 2 gears:

Gear A has 12 teeth

Gear B has 6 teeth

Which gear spins faster and which gear has more torque?

Optional bonus question: How many times will gear B rotate per rotation of gear A?

Gear A has more torque and Gear B spins faster

Bonus: Gear B will rotate 2 times per rotation of Gear A


Where does the code that we use come from? Is it in python by default?

No, the code comes from different imported libraries


Which one of the women we learned about helped send astronauts to the moon?

Hint: There is a movie about her!

a) Marie Curie

b) Ada Lovelace

c) Emily Roebling

d) Kimberly Bryant

e) Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson


Rainbow munchkins make little girl miserable by stealing her joy

Inside Out