what is the def. of toxic
a natural posin'
what is the def. of brawl
to fight
what is the def. of browse
To look through or glance casually
what is the def. of apathy
A lack of interest or concern
what is the def. of casual
Showing little concern; informal
what is the def. of wary
aware if a danger is near
what is the def. of flaw
a defect
what is the def. of devour
To eat up hungrily or quickly
what is the def. of bigot
One who is tolerant of people who are different
what is the def. of corrupt
Not honest; willing to abuse power
the attraction of the mass toward something
what is the def. of dumbfounded
surprised or caught
To prowl or lie hidden, as though about to attack
what is the def. of homicide
The killing of one person by another
what is the def. of radom
By chance; not planned or prearranged; irregular
what is the def. of firebrand
a pice of burning wood
what is the def. of lavish
Much more than enough; extravagant
what is the def. of mellow
Soft, gentle, pleasant
what is the def. of permanent
Lasting for a long time , maybe forever
what is the def. of status
A situation or state of affairs
Position relative to that of others; standing
what is the def. subtle
not immediately obvious or comprehensible
what is the def. of Vista
A distant view or prospect
what is the def. of pluck
To pull of or out; to pick
what is the def. of wrath
Sentence anger
what is the def. of void
Empty or unfilled space