The acronym behind A.N.I.
What is Automated Numerical Identification?
The member is requesting documents to be emailed out to him.
What is the Member Services email template?
The UHSS ID number starts with three specific digits.
What is 776?
HBS can provide a cost estimate for an Out of Area service that takes into account the member's accumulators. (True/False)
What is False?
The universal donor blood type.
What is O Negative?
Provider is disputing the allowed amount on a claim.
What is an Allowed Amount Dispute?
The Member would like their approved appeal letter mailed out to him.
What is the Manual Mail Request email template?
A member who resides in Arizona would like to go over his benefits. The call should be transferred to UHC. (True/False)
What is False?
A provider would like to request a cost estimate for an upcoming procedure. The HBS should transfer the call to...
What is Provider Development?
America's first national park
What is Yellowstone National Park?
The Accumulator Report is not matching with the claims information in Facets and require further review.
What is an Accumulator Review?
A Member would like a copy of the Provider Directory to be mailed out to him.
What is the Directory and Document Request email template?
The provider would like to submit a preauthorization for a service that will be done in Colorado. The PA should be submitted to UHC. (True/False)
What is True?
The subject category for a Cost Estimate related call should be...
What is Cost Transparency?
The singer's stage name for Robyn Fenty.
What is Rihanna?
HBS submitted a QCA for a claim to be adjusted, but it came back with no adjustment. The next best step should be...
What is a Claims Question?
A member is requesting a written letter stating that Service Animals are not covered by her insurance.
What is Ad-Hoc Letter?
An Out of Area Provider is In Network with UHC but is balance billing the member.
What is the Claim Billing Issues Provider Balance Billing?
This email template should be used when an estimate does not pull up through the cost estimate tool.
What is Mock Claim Request?
The name of the man that Elizabeth Bennet is in love with in the book, "Pride and Prejudice"
What is Mr. Darcy?
The member is being balance billed by an INN provider and refuses to write off charges. This is done through Quick Create Liaison and then....
What is a Provider Development Issue?
A member would like to speak with a caregiver face to face to go over benefits and claims questions with her.
What is the Walk-In Request email template?
The service area for UHC network.
What is outside of UT/ID/NV?
The member has access to the cost estimate tool as well. (True/False)
What is True?
The highest paid athlete in 2022?
What is Lionel Messi?