Part of these pay for the translation of literature
What are the the 7th Tradition donations?
Public Relations, Hospitals & Institutions, Helpline, Activities, etc.
What are some of the subcommittees that may be a part of an Area Service Committee? (GLS - pg 52)
21 Areas
How many areas do we currently have in the FL region?
This is what SEZF stands for.
What is "South Eastern Zonal Forum"?
Where is the World Service Office located?
It is to carry the message of recovery to the addict who still suffers.
What is the primary purpose of an NA group? (GLS - pg 26)
Members who have the final say at an Area Service Committee (ASC) meeting
Who are Group Service Representatives (GSRs)?
What is the percent needed for consensus? (GTFRS - pg 12)
These are the regions that are currently in the SEZF.
What are the Alabama/Northwest Florida, Bluegrass-Appalachian, Carolina, Florida, South Florida, Georgia, North Carolina Regions?
3 years, also referred to as "cycles"
What is the length of time between World Service Conferences?
Participation, topic, study, speaker, newcomer, question-and-answer
What are a few of the many different types of formats used in NA meetings? (GLS - pg 29)
The 'workhorse' of the service structure.
What is one of the best ways to describe the area service committee (ASC)? (GLS - pg 45)
It is a body consisting of members selected from the Human Resource Panel assigned to complete a task or set of tasks which we call Projects.
What is a workgroup? (GTFRS - pg 27)
These are the four task forces of the SEZF.
What are Additional Needs, BMLT, H&I, Public Relations?
These members vote and make motions or proposals in all business sessions at the World Service Conference.
Who are the regional and zonal delegates? (GWS - pg 8)
Group conscience is the spiritual means by which we invite a loving God to influence our decisions.
What is Concept 6?
The ones who bear substantial responsibility for that body’s decisions and should be allowed to fully participate in its decision-making processes
Who are “all members of a service body”?
The primary function of this entity is to unify the Areas within the Region.
What is the RSC? (GTFRS - pg 9)
Aside from the Delegate team, these members also have a “travel to SEZF” line item in the Florida Region’s budget.
Who are "any members of the Florida Region"?
These conversations encourage us to think more deeply about relevant topics and help build unity within our groups and service bodies. In addition, sending the results of your discussions to the World Board can help shape Fellowshipwide resources and services.
What is an Issue Discussion Topic (IDT)?
15 to 20 seconds
What is the suggested time for the moment of silence? (GLS - pg 40)
They guide our services and help ensure that the message of Narcotics Anonymous is available to all addicts who have a desire to stop using and begin practicing our way of life.
What do the 12 Concepts do? (GLS - pg 1)
“To better serve Areas, their member groups and individual addicts; to allow more widespread participation by more individual members; and to more fully utilize available human resources.”
What is the FL Region Vision Statement? (GTFRS - pg 9)
It is to facilitate joint, multi-regional efforts that serve our member regions and are directly responsible to the Regional Service Committees within the zone
What is the Southeastern Zonal Forum’s primary function?
An entity that manages all activities of World Services including oversight of the operations of the Fellowship’s primary service center, the World Service Office.
Who is the World Board?