Brilliant white when bleached in sun.
What is cactus algae?
Turns dark brown on beach.
What is pelagic sargassum?
Have bitter chemicals that discourage grazing by fish
What is iridescent-banded algae?
Where branching coralline algae grows?
What is shallow seagrass beds?
What color rhizones does the Grape caulerpa have?
What is yellow
What are one of brown algae relatives?
What are the Sargassaceae family
What do the bubble-branchlets contain?
What is sugar and protein
What are red algae habitats
What is shallow water.
Where do caulerpa species grow?
what are reefs and seagrass pastures
What class is brown algae in?
What is Phaeophyceae
What color is red algae photosynthetic pigment?
What is blue
What other colors can the spiny seaweed be?
What are yellow and green
Where does green fleece algae grow?
What is a reef out to 50ft
What shape fronds do Padina have?
What are fan shaped
What is the end point for pelagic sargassum?
what is the mid Atlantic
What algae are red algae not related to?
What is brown alga.
What color are cactus algae when alive?
What is drab green
What do the branches connect to in attached sargassum?
What are holdfast
What kind of cell is sailors eye?
How big can thicket algae get?
what is 6 inches