Brilliant white when bleached in sun.
What is cactus algae?
Turns dark brown on beach.
What is pelagic sargassum?
Have bitter chemicals that discourage grazing by fish
What is iridescent-banded algae?
Where branching coralline algae grows?
What is shallow seagrass beds?
What type of large grows on nearshore reef out to 50 ft?
Green fleece
This type of algae live attached to hardbottom in shallow water, its very abundant in certain areas of the Florida keys.
These has a photosynthetic pigment that absorbs blue light, allowing the plants to live at greater depths than green plants.
Red alge
The are unrelated to brown algae and somewhat related to green alge.
Red alge
This type of algae looks like a smooth, turgid, dark-green, miniature water balloon.
Sailor’s eye
This seaweed in beaches as individual or clustered, green-brow bubble-balls that appear partially flattened.
Balloon seaweed
This type of algae have bitter chemicals to discourage grazing by fish.
This type of algae has brown-red branches with tiny, stiff, pointed branchlers in whorls of three.
Red spineweed
These species grow on reefs and seagrass pastures.
These algae are all in the family sargassaceae.
Brown algae
What is the toxic alien species from the tropics that invaded the Mediterranean sea and is causing big ecological troubles?
This alge has greenish to bright-red formed branches like sinuous clumps of spaghetti, this algae quickly bleaches clear.
Graceful redweed
These grow as chai s of calcareous segments attached to a stiff case and rhizoids.
Cactus algae
This type of algae live attached and float when free due to the air in their fronds
Three-cornered hat algae
What is the coarse white beach in the keys made of?
Pulverized cactus alge
These grow on shallow hardbottom, branching coralline algae grow in shallow seagrass beds.
Red grapes and thicket algae