Brilliant white when bleached in sun.
What is cactus algae?
Turns dark brown on beach.
What is pelagic sargassum?
Have bitter chemicals that discourage grazing by fish
What is iridescent-banded algae?
Where branching coralline algae grows?
What is shallow seagrass beds?
What is balloon seaweed?
individual or clustered, green-brown bubble-balls that appear par. tially flattened.
are in the family Caulerpaceae
Caulerpa species
What is the end-point for pelagic sar-gassum?
The mid-Atlantic Sargasso Sea
What is red spineweed?
has brown-red branches with tiny, stiff, pointed branchlets in whorls of three.
has greenish-brown, fan-shape fronds with an in-rolled outer margin.
long, has pale yellow rhizomes with green branches bearing stubby branchlets that end in swollen tips.
Grape caulerpa
Why do Iridescent-banded algae have bitter chemicals?
to discourage grazing by fish.
What are characteristics of spiny seaweed?
has fragile, pale-pink branches with stubby branchlets. Colors also may be yellowish or pale green.
long, has smooth, brown, elongate, leathery leaves covered by faint dots.
Attached sargassum
Where do Green fleece algae grow
nearshore reef out to 50 ft (15 m).
What are coarse, white beach in the Keys made of?
pulverized cactus algae that grew recently, or as much as tens of thousands of years ago.
What is hypenea?
grows in wiry, tangled yellowish-brown clumps.
What are some ident features of the Three-cornered hat algae?
beach as golden bouquets of pyramid-shape fronds. The algae live attached and float when free due to the air in their fronds.
spheres, looks like a smooth, turgid, dark-green, miniature water balloon.
Sailor's eye (bubble algae)
How does the photosynthetic pigment that absorbs blue light affec plants?
Allows plants to live at greater depths than green plants.
What are some relatives?
Red grapes algae (family Rhodymeniaceae), thicket algae (family Galaxauraceae), and coralline algae (Cor-allinaceae) are distantly related as red algae (Rhodophyta).