Has long, pale rhizomes with green branches.
What is grape caulerpa?
Turns dark brown on beach.
What is pelagic sargassum?
Have bitter chemicals that discourage grazing by fish
What is iridescent-banded algae?
Where branching coralline algae grows.
What is shallow seagrass beds?
Two caulerpa species grow on this specific habitat.
What is reefs?
Heterokonts are in this class.
What is Phaeophyceae?
Iridescent-banded algae have bitter chemicals to discourage this.
What is grazing by fish?
This has greenish to bright red formed branches of sinuous clumps.
What is graceful red weed?
Cactus algae and shaving brush algae are together in this family.
What is Udoteaceae?
This algae has greenish-brown, fan shape fronds.
What is Padina?
Rather than an origin, the mid-Atlantic Sargasso Sea serves as this for pelagic sargassum.
What is an end-point?
Where all red algae grow in.
What is shallow water?
This algae is drab green when alive and brilliant white when bleached.
What is cactus algae?
This algae lives attached and float when free due to air in their fronds.
What is three-cornered hat algae?
The bubble-branchlets of red grapes contain this in order to maintain buoyancy.
What is sugars and proteins?
Red grapes algae, thicket algae, and coralline algae are part of this group of species.
What is Rhodophyta?
This algae has forked, spongy, dirty green fingers attached to a single holdfast.
What is green fleece?
Three-cornered hat algae live in this habitat.
What is rocks in turbulent waters?
This species has invaded the Mediterranean Sea, causing ecological troubles.
What is a species of caulerpa?
This algae has reddish, flat, evenly forked branches rooted at a single holdfast.
What is thicket algae?