Brilliant white when bleached in sun.
What is cactus algae?
Turns dark brown on beach.
What is pelagic sargassum?
Have bitter chemicals that discourage grazing by fish
What is iridescent-banded algae?
Where branching coralline algae grows.
What is shallow seagrass beds?
This type of algae grow on nearshore reef out to 50 feet.
What is Green fleece algae?
This x-conered hat algae has this many corner.
What is 3?
This color of algae is very popular in the Asian diet.
What is red?
Where red grapes and thicket algae grow.
What is shallow hard bottom?
Grape caulerpa has pale rhizomes that are this bright color.
What is yellow?
Dictyota is extremely abundant in certain areas of this place.
What are the Florida Keys?
This type of green algae is a single cell, but is one of the biggest ever known.
What is sailor’s eye?
It is distantly related to graceful redweed.
What is red/spiny spineweed?
Cactus algae and shaving brush algae share this family.
What is Udoteaceae?
This type of seaweed beaches as brown beach balls.
What is balloon seaweed?
Much of the coarse, white beach in the keys is made of this type of algae finely pulverized.
What is cactus algae?
This type of red algae grows in wiry, tangled yellowish-brown clumps
What is Hypnea?
This “common” seaweed is 4 inches long.
What is common caulerpa?
The longest branches of attached sargassum have this.
What are air bladders?
This section of this sea is an end-point for pelagic sargassum.
What is the mid-Atlantic?
The typical size of graceful redweed in centimeters.
What is 30?