Apply knowledge...
Determine or clarify...
Demonstrate understanding
Acquire and use accurately
Cite strong and thorough...

What is one way to avoid plagiarism? 

What is...

Giving credit. Cite and acknowledge the source of where your information came from.


What are a three ways to learn new vocabulary?

1. Use a dictionary/thesaurus to look up unknown words.

2. Look for context clues around unknown words.

3. Ask about unknown words. 


What is a personification? 

What is...

Giving human qualities to inanimate objects, ideas, or animals. 


What is a homophone? 

What is...

Words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.


What can you use to draw inferences?

What is...



Name at least one step in paraphrasing. 

What is...

1. Read the original sentence(s).

2. Look away and think about what the sentence(s) said.

3. Write the information in your own words.


What are idiosyncrasies? 

What is...

Quirks or peculiar features that don't always make sense. 


What are two steps to comprehending poetry?

What is...

1. Read the sentences, phrases, or clauses like you normally do.

2. Look at relationships between words.

3. Look for figurative language.

4.Use what you already know to piece together and understand what the poet is meaning.


Which of the following words belong to a homophone group?

1. Cent

2. Sent

3. Scent

4. Sense 

What is...

Numbers 1, 2 and 3 

Cent, Sent and Scent


Match the term to the definition. 

1. Inference 

2. Implicit evidence

3. Explicit evidence

A. Indirectly stated or implied by the author. 

B. Directly stated by the author.

C. Reasonable conclusion based on evidence. 

What is...

1 - C

2 - A

3 - B


What is one common knowledge guideline?

What is...

If you find the same information uncited in 5 or more sources it is common knowledge.


What are two word parts you can use to figure out unknown words?

What is...

1. Prefix

2. Suffix

3. Root word


What type of figurative language is shown in the following sentence?

The snow melted throughout the day, but it refroze once the sun set.

What is...

Word Relationships


Which definition matches each word?

1. Compliment 

2. Complement 

A. To complete or enhance.

B. The act of giving praise. 

What is...

1 - B

2 - A


Name the two things you never put in a summary. 

What is...

1. Personal opinions

2. Personal interpretation

3. Comments on the article


In MLA format what are two ways you cite your sources?

What is...

1. Parenthetical citations: in-text citations.

2. Works Cited Page: list of all the sources you cited in your paper.


How do you change a noun into a verb?

What is...

Generally, nouns will lose their endings to become simpler verb forms. 


Is the word "home" in the following sentence, used in the connotative or denotative meaning?

There is no place like home.

What is...



What is FANBOYS and what does it stand for?

What is...

Coordinating conjunctions frequently used to combine two independent clauses.

Stands for: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So 


Name three steps for determining the central idea of a text. 

What is...

1. Identify what topic(s) the text covers.

2. Examine first and last sentences.

3. Look for repetitive or emphasized, words, phrases, and ideas. 

4. Determine what main points the author seems to be making about the topic(s).

5. Look for details that support and develop the central idea(s).


Which function of language does the following sentence represent? 

The peeling bark of the poisonwood tree reveals the secrets of this wonder of nature.  

What is...



What is the correct meaning for the word labyrinth in the following sentence.

Oftentimes I was tangles in a labyrinth of armed vines like a fly in a spiderweb. 

What is...

Complex or confusing terrain; makes it hard to find ones way.


What is an example of a nuance? 

What is...

1. The difference between light blue and blue.

2. The difference between an enraged tone of voice and an angry tone of voice.

3. The difference between sea salt and salt.

4. The difference between french vanilla ice cream and vanilla ice cream.


Is the following a correct example of a comma splice? 

Jake arrived at the airport at 8 p.m., and he boarded the plane just in time.

What is...



Name five parts of an effective summary.

What is...

1. Has introductory sentences that reference, the title, author, and focus of the text.

2. Includes central ideas and key details.

3. Is its specific and references names, dates, and events when appropriate. 

4. Includes only ideas of the original text. 

5. Its shorter than the original text.

6. Its uses few if any direct quotes. 

7. It is paraphrased.