The Executive Branch
The Legislative Branch
The Judicial Branch
Misc #1
Misc #2

This person is the head of the federal executive branch.

Who is the President of the United States of America?


This is the main function of the legislative branch.

What is to make laws?


This person appoints federal judges.

Who is the President of the United States?  


This document contains the words "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

What is the Declaration of Independence?


This term refers to the economic system of the United States.

What is capitalism?  or What is a free market economy?

This is the number of years in a U.S. President's term of office.

What is 4?


There are exactly 100 of these elected officials.

What are senators?


This is one of two major parts of the federal judicial branch.

What is the Supreme Court or what are Federal Courts?


This document outlined the United States' FIRST attempt at establishing a government, but it didn't work out so well.

What are the Articles of Confederation?


Congress is made up of these two parts or houses.

What are the Senate and the House of Representatives?


This is the name of the current U.S. President.

Answers will vary depending on the year this is being used.  2021 to 2024 Joe Biden.  


This is the number of years in a term for a U.S. Senator.

What is 6 years?  


This court is the highest court in the U.S.

What is the Supreme Court?


This is why some states have more representatives in the House of Representatives than other states.

What is because their population is larger? (are a variation of this answer).  


This entity actual decides who is elected president and provides a compromise between the popular election and congressional selection of the president.

What is the electoral college?


This is the name of the current Vice-President of the United States of America.

Answers will vary depending on the year.  2021-2024 Kamela Harris


Who is one of the two Senators that represents Florida?

Answers will vary.  

Current 2021:  Marco Rubio and Rick Scott


These are major functions (there are 4, name 2) of the judicial branch.

What are:  

-reviews laws?

-explains laws?

-resolves disputes about the law?

-decides if a law goes against the Constitution?


This is a power that ONLY the federal government has.

What is delegated (the term for this) or examples are also acceptable:

-Print paper money, mint coins, declare war, create an army, make treaties, set foreign policy.


This is a power or function that only state governments have.

What is reserved- the term for this or examples below:

-provide schooling/education

-provide protection/police

-provide safety- fire departments

-give a driver's license

-approve zoning and land use


This title associated with the U.S. President describes his/her military powers.

What is Commander in Chief?  


This number is the number of voting members in the House of Representatives.

What is 435? 


This is the current number of Supreme Court Justices.

What is 9?


This amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that powers not given to the federal government belong the the states or to the people.

What is the 10th amendment?


This is the capital of Florida.

What is Tallahassee?