This flower's name comes from the Greek word for "star"
What are asters
This flower means love, passion, and beauty in floriography
What are roses
Roses were used as a symbol of this civil war in England between the Lancasters and the Yorks
What is the War of the Roses
Rose hips (the part left on the plant after a rose is done blooming) contain more of this vitamin than almost any other fruit or vegetable
What is Vitamin C
Jasmine is commonly used for making this kind of drink
What is tea
This flower got its name because the yellow center resembled the sun
What is the daisy (previously commonly known as "day's eye")
In floriography, this flower means true love and memories
What are forget-me-nots
In England, the language of flowers was popular in this era
What is the Victorian era
This flower has a traditional usage to help decrease throat pain and coughing
What is chamomile
The color of hydrangeas is determined by the acidity of this
What is soil
Antirrhinum is commonly known as the snapdragon due to the flower’s resemblance to this mythical creature
What is a dragon
This flower means serenity and calmness in floriography
What are lavenders
During World War II the bulbs of this flower were used to prevent starvation
What are tulips
Dandelions were used in folk remedies to treat this bile-producing organ
What is the liver
The corpse flower is mostly known for its...
What is its strong aroma reminiscent of rotting flesh
This flower got its name from the Latin word “gladius” which means sword
What is the gladiolus
This flower means purity, virtue, and devotion in floriography
What are lilies
Some ancient civilizations believed that the odor from burning this flower's leaves provided protection and drove malicious serpents into hiding
What are asters
Army doctors in as far back as Roman times brought along sacks of this flower so that they could treat these types of wounds
What are spear and sword cuts
According to Biblical stories, this flower grew in the Garden of Eden, turning red upon Adam and Eve’s fall from grace
What is a white rose
This flower was originally named based on the belief that foxes used to put these flowers over their paws as "gloves"
What are fox-gloves
This flower means restful sleep and consolation in floriography
What are poppies
The great Chinese philosopher, Confucius, is said to have had a 600 book library specifically on how to care for this flower
What are roses
The Aztecs were known to use poinsettias to treat this symptom associated with a fever
What is high temperature
This flower was not only used to fill up lifejackets, but was also used to clean up water from the Chernobyl disaster
What are sunflowers