Flowers for Algernon
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers for Algernon
Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon is an example of which text structure?

What is sequenced?


When does Charlie first discover that his intelligence will be temporary?

What is when Algernon changes and becomes aggressive and uncooperative?


An opportunist is a person who

What is one who takes advantage of an opportunity in an unethical way?


What does proportional mean?

What is having a constant relation in degree or number?


What do the factory workers mean when they say "pulled a Charlie Gordon"?

What is doing something stupid?


The point of view for Flowers for Algernon is

What is 1st Person?


Why does Charlie leave the factory?

What is his co-workers are threatened and scared of his sudden intelligence?


Tangible means

What is to able to be seen, touched, or understood?


What type of irony is the following

"Charlie I hear you're a very smart fella- a real quiz kid". 

What is verbal irony?


Which event foreshadows what will happen to Charlie?

What is Algernon becomes uncooperative and aggressive?


The long story is divided into progress reports in order to

What is tracking of Charlie's thoughts and development before and after the surgery?


Why is Charlie alarmed when Algernon's behavior changes?

What is Charlie is afraid because he knows that the same thing will happen to him?


What does sensation mean?

What is a feeling of great interest and excitement?


What type of irony is the following :

Charlie's newfound intelligence after the operation makes him sad and more lonely. 

What is situational irony?


Charlie leaves New York because--

What is he doesn't want people to feel sorry for him?


Algernon is able to beat Charlie in the maze because

What is Algernon had the operation to make him smarter?


What do the doctors hope to achieve with the experimental surgery?

What is to triple one's intelligence?


Specialization means

What is a focus on a particular area of study?


What type of irony is the following:

Charlie finally reaches the peak of his intelligence and then has to learn that he is inevitably condemned to lose it all. 

What is situational irony?


Sarcasm is an example of

What is verbal irony?


What do you learn about Charlie's character from this description of Dr. Strauss? 

"It was as if he'd hidden this part of himself in order to deceive me, pretending --as so many people I've discovered --to be what he is not."

What is Charlie becomes suspicious as he has become smarter?


What can you infer about Charlie's character from this excerpt? 

"I told her how can you tell storys about pepul you never met. I said why shud I make up lies. I never tell lies any more because I always get caut."

What is Charlie lacks creativity and imagination because he associates storytelling with lying?


having a constant relation in degree or number What literary element is used in the following excerpt? 

She stared down at her work and I turned to leave. Without looking at me, she said: "It was evil when Eve listened to the snake and ate from the tree of knowledge. It was evil when she saw that she was naked. If not for that none of us would ever have to grow old and sick, and die."

What is an allusion?


What type of irony is the following? 

"Everybody laffed and we had a good time and they gave me lots of drinks and Joe said Charlie is a card when he is potted. I don't know what that means but everybody likes me and we have fun. I can't wait to be smart like my best friends Joe Carp and Frank Reilly."

What is dramatic irony?


The author's style of writing advances the story by

What increasing the length of reports as Charlie's intelligence increases?