Charlie Gordon

This test involves looking at inkblots and describing what they resemble in order to identify any "red flags"

What is a Rorschach test?


Charlie's mom called his developmental disabilities this

What is a "sickness"?


This is Charlie's age

What is 32 years old?


This part of the brain includes what you are presently aware of or focused on and allows you to analyze and make choices based on observations and knowledge

What is the conscious mind?


Getting ditched by his coworkers from the bakery triggers this memory in Charlie

What is getting separated from his parents and being lost in a large department store?


This other test that Charlie could not complete revealed that he considers using his imagination to be the same as lying

What is looking at photographs and making up stories about what is seen?


Charlie refers to this common term for when patients lay down and talk about their feelings and memories with a professional

What is therapy?


This business is where Charlie works a menial job and is treated poorly by most of his coworkers

What is Donner's Bakery?


This word refers to the majority of your brain functions, where your deepest memories are stored, and where your dreams, instincts, and automatic responses reside

What is the subconscious?


This is what happened to Charlie when he attempted to pick up and console his baby sister

What is getting hit so hard he fell down and being yelled at?


This competition with Algernon begins to frustrate Charlie until he consistently defeats the mouse, which changes Charlie's attitude

What are maze races?


This device is what Charlie used at night to activate his subconscious

What is the teaching machine that looks like a TV?


This is where Charlie takes classes taught by Miss Kinnian to learn reading and writing skills

What is Beekman College?


This word is often confused with "consciousness," but does not refer to awareness; it means a person's sense of right and wrong

What is conscience?


This happened to Charlie's sister Norma when she suggested that Charlie could be a painter when he grows up

What is being hit by her mother?


Charlie overhears college students discussing this in the Beekman cafeteria; he also wants to be able to talk about these subjects

What are art, politics, and religion, etc.?


This is the first advanced novel Charlie finished reading independently

What is Robinson Crusoe?


This word is what Miss Kinnian actually told Charlie he has, but Charlie called it "motor-vashun"

What is motivation?


This man developed the theory of multiple intelligences, meaning while some people may have low verbal reasoning, they may have high kinesthetic or spatial intelligence

Who is Howard Gardner?


Charlie remembers this relative defending him against childhood bullies and getting him a job at Donner's Bakery

Who is Uncle Herman?


This is what Charlie says he wants to do most after the experiment increases his intelligence

What is make friends?


As his intelligence increases, we readers can also see this improving in Charlie's progris riports

What is his grammar, spelling, and punctuation?


This is Charlie's I.Q. at the beginning of the novel, before the experiment

What is 68?


This range is what the average I.Q. tends to be

What is 85-115?


Charlie remembers getting ruthlessly beaten by the older brother of a girl he liked because someone sabotaged this holiday gift he gave the girl

What is a Valentines Day card?