Literary Elements
ridiculously false
What is Absurd
The protagonist and author of the progress reports that form the text of Flowers for Algernon.
Who is Charlie Gordon
Charlie is initially warmhearted and trusting, but as his intelligence increases he grows cold, arrogant, and disagreeable. The more he understands about the world, the more he recoils from human contact. At his loneliest point, in Progress Report 12, Charlie shockingly decides that his genius has effectively erased his love for Alice.
What is The Tension between Intellect and Emotion
Charlie stares at him, the smile melting from his face
What is Imagery
Is Daniel Keyes' Flowers for Algernon based on a true story?
What is No , science fiction
to weaken or make worse
What is Impair
Charlie’s teacher at the Beekman College Center for Retarded Adult. She originally recommends Charlie for the experimental operation because she is impressed by his motivation.
Who is Alice Kinnian
Charlie’s recovery of his childhood memories after his operation illustrates how significantly his past is embedded in his understanding of the present.
What is The Persistence of the Past in the Present
I started in, past the stairs I had seen so often in my nightmares. I had often been pursued up that long, narrow staircase by demons who grabbed at my legs and pulled me down into the cellar below, while I tried to scream without a voice, straggling on my tongue and gagging in silence.
What is Allegory
Who asks Charlie to keep his progress reports?
Who is Dr. Strauss
an insulting cry or whistle
What is Catcall
The white mouse that is the first successful test subject for the experimental operation Charlie later undergoes. The operation makes Algernon three times as intelligent as a normal mouse and enables him to solve complex puzzles.
Who is Algernon
recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes.
What are Motifs
Charlie is propositioned by the pregnant woman in Central Park, for example, he recalls his mother’s pregnancy with his sister. All of Charlie’s memories come in the form of such revelations and recall events of which he was not previously aware.
What is Flashback
How did Charlie's friends react to his becoming smarter?
What is Charlie's friends did not treat him very nicely about it. They didnt enjoy that he was becoming intelligent
symptoms that characterize a particular disease
What is syndromes
Charlie’s neighbor in the apartment building that he moves into after running away from the scientific convention.
Who is Fay Lillman
Charlie grows more intelligent after his operation, effectively transforming from a mentally retarded man to a genius, he realizes that people have always based their attitudes toward him on feelings of superiority. For the most part, other people have treated Charlie not only as an intellectual inferior but also as less of a human being than they are
What is Mistreatment of the Mentally Disabled
occurs when what is said contradicts what is meant or thought
What is verbal irony
What did Charlie think of Algernon before and after the operation?
What is Before the operation, Charlie feels jealous because Algernon always beat him. After the operation, Charlie feels bad for Algernon.
natural simple mindedness
What is naivete
A quack doctor to whom Charlie was taken as a child. He promised Rose that he could scientifically increase Charlie’s intelligence, but his methods are a complete sham. He , however, was kind to Charlie.
Who is Dr. Guarino
objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.
What are Symbols
Professor Nemur tells Charlie at the outset of the experiment that his gains in intelligence may not be permanent, which turns out to be the case. Later, Charlie has a memory of his young sister, Norma, obnoxiously threatening to lose her own intelligence, another reference to Charlie’s eventual downfall. Finally, Algernon’s decline, beginning in Progress Report 13, is a reliable predictor of Charlie’s impending deterioration
What is foreshadowing
Why does Charlie Gordon decide to leave New York City?
What is He checks into the Warren State Home as he doesn't want anyone's pity