What is the full name of the "Flu"
What is Influenza
The Presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient
What percentage of adults got the flu vaccine in 2020?
What is 50%?
The vaccine is especially recommended for?
What is People who have a high risk of complications
This population is more at risk of developing serious flu complications
what is 65 years or older
How many people roughly got vaccinated against influenza in 2020?
What is around 194 million?
What are the 3 things the flu vaccine reduces?
1. reducing respiratory illnesses
2. visits to doctors offices
3. hospitalizations and deaths in people with higher risks
The flu vaccine may not stop the older population from getting the flu completely but what can it do
what is lead to less serious flu-related complications
What is the estimated effectiveness percentage of the flu vaccine working during a typical season?
What is 40%-60%?
In the 2015-2016 flu season in the Spain study, how many of those hospitalized had not received the flu vaccine?
What is 65%
Something that lowers as you get older
What is immune defenses
By older populations getting the vaccine, roughly how many hospitalizations did the vaccine prevent in 2020?
What is around 30,000?
What is the effectiveness of the flu vaccine for those 59 and older?
What is 42-72%
Percent of seasonal flu-related deaths that are in the population of people 65 years and older
what is 70-80%
What demographic group has the highest rates of getting the flu vaccine in the U.S.?
What is older populations?