A s/s of a sodium level of 118
What is a change on level of consciousness?
The diet recommendation for hyperkalemia.
What is to avoid high potassium foods such as bananas, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, or leafy greens.
What is a sign of magnesium toxicity or hypermagnesemia?
What is a positive trousseau's sign?
A lab that needs monitoring for SIADH.
What is a sodium level?
Three s/s of diabetes Insipidus
What are nocturia, polydipsia, and high serum osmolality?
Which one is experiencing FVD, a client taking in too much sodium, a client working outside for several hours, or a client taking long term steroids
What is a client working outside for several hours?
Most accurate way to assess fluid imbalances.
What is a daily weight?
What would be a concern with a client who has SOB, wt gain, & a productive cough?
What is hyponatremia?
The purpose of giving insulin for a high K+ level
What is insulin pushes K+ back into the cell.
Three causes of hypomagnesemia.
What are vomiting, diarrhea, and alcoholism
The reason for testing for a calcitonin (thyrocalcitonin) level.
For a client with hypercalcemia?
Furosemide adverse effect
What is hypokalemia?
Name two important nursing assessments
What are to monitor daily wts, I&Os, sodium levels, and urine specific gravity?
Describe the vital signs for FVD.
What are low BP, high HR, elevated temperature
Name two causes of FVO
What are CKI, CHF, too much IV fluids, prolonged steroid use, or hyperaldosteronism?
Name two causes of Hypernatremia
What are dehydration, diabetes insipidus, diet, IVF, heatstroke, burns, hyperventilation, or hyperaldosteronism?
Which should be addressed first a BP of 146/78, SOB, Temperature of 101.2, or K+ of 7.8
What is the K+ of 7.8?
Drug used for hypermagnesemia.
What is furosemide?
Cause of circumoral numbness & tetany (spasms)
What is hypocalcemia?
Three nursing intervention for SIADH
What are give furosemide, restrict oral intake, and place on strict I&Os.
Nursing evaluation for desmopressin.
What is a decreased urine output?
Name at least three s/s of FVD
What are wt loss, tenting, oliguria, flattened neck veins, thirst, confusion, dizziness, muscle cramps, or nausea?
Complication for fluid volume excess
What is pulmonary edema?
Name two causes for hyponatremia
What are SIADH, CHF, Diuretics, lithium, adrenal insufficiency, and GI losses
A drug that protects the heart from high K+ levels
What is calcium gluconate?
Three s/s of hypermagnesemia
What are lethargy, weakness and decreased deep tendon reflexes?
What would occur if phosphate enemas are abused?
What is hypocalcemia?
The nursing responsibility if client refuses fluid restriction
What is to educate and if still refuses then notify MD and give them fluids
An adverse effect of desmopressin
What is a headache?
Name three labs to monitor for FVD
What are hematocrit, serum osmolality, specific gravity, sodium levels, & BUN/Creatinine?
Four obvious s/s of fluid volume excess
What are bounding pulse, shallow respirations, distended neck veins (JVD), pitting edema?
Two labs to monitor for hyponatremia
What are a decreased osmolarity and low specific gravity?
The purpose of sodium polystyrene sulfonate
What is to decrease high potassium levels?
Name two causes for hypermagnesemia
What are DKA, CRF, and abuse of medications with magnesium?
Appropriate fluid for hypercalcemia.
What is 0.9% NS?
The s/s of a possible complication
What are headache, nausea and vomiting?
Name two causes of diabetes insipidus
What are tumors, trauma, pituitary or hypothalamus problems, surgery near hypothalamus or pituitary gland or drugs such as alcohol or steroids?
Type of fluid administered for FVD
What is isotonic fluids of 0.9%NS or LR possibly hypotonic 0.45%NS if severe FVD?
Name at least three findings that tell you the lungs have fluid in them.
What are SOB, dyspnea, crackles upon auscultation, positive chest x-ray for pulmonary edema?
S/S of hypernatremia
What are flushing, elevated temperature, edema thirsty, seizures, and muscle weakness
Name two causes for hyperkalemia
What are CRF, spironolactone, hypoaldosteronism, and tissue trauma?
Name two s/s of hypomagnesemia
What are increased DTRs, insomnia, dysrhythmias, dysphagia, and s/s of low calcium (T&C)?
Name two causes for hypercalcemia
What are malignancy, increased PTH, immobility, steroid use, thiazide diuretics, and calcium medications such as tums?
Name three s/s of SIADH
What are increased BP, wt gain, hyponatremia, low osmolality levels, high specific gravity, muscle cramps and weakness due to electrolyte imbalance, & brain swelling (ICP)
What is the treatment for diabetes Insipidus
What are hypotonic fluids, desmopressin, or surgery if due to a tumor?
Name four causes of FVD
What are vomiting, diarrhea, suctioning, fistulas, fever, excess sweating, burns, blood loss, third spacing, DI or uncontrolled DM?
Name at least three findings that the pressure is increasing in the brain.
What are lethargy, headache, N/V, seizures, or coma?