Prehistoric Systems
Ancient State Systems
Medieval or Early-Modern State Systems

What term is used to describe the earliest human societies that relied on hunting and gathering?



What is a city-state, and give an example from ancient history?

A city-state is an independent sovereign city that comprises a city and its immediate hinterland. An example is Ancient Athens.


What was feudalism, and how did it structure medieval society?

Feudalism was a hierarchical system where land was owned by lords and worked by vassals or serfs in exchange for protection and service.


In "The Lion King," what is the name of Simba’s childhood friend who later becomes a fierce warrior?



Which prehistoric period is known for the development of agriculture?

Neolithic Period


Which ancient civilization is known for its codified laws, including the Code of Hammurabi?

The Babylonian civilization is known for the Code of Hammurabi.


Name one significant event that marked the beginning of the Renaissance and its impact on state systems.

The fall of Constantinople in 1453 is considered a significant event marking the beginning of the Renaissance, which led to renewed interest in classical knowledge and the questioning of traditional authority.


What is the title of the song that Elsa sings as she builds her ice castle in "Frozen"?

"Let It Go"


Name one major factor that contributed to the establishment of permanent settlements in prehistoric times.

The domestication of plants and animals


How did trade influence the development of ancient state systems?

Trade facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural practices, leading to increased wealth and complexity in state systems, which helped to establish political power and alliances.


How did the rise of monarchies in medieval Europe change governance compared to earlier systems?

The rise of monarchies centralized power and shifted governance from feudal lords to a single ruling authority, often leading to more uniform laws and policies across territories.


Which Disney movie features a character named Jiminy Cricket as a guide to the main character?



What is the significance of the Neolithic Revolution in the context of state systems?

The Neolithic Revolution marked a significant shift from nomadic lifestyles to settled farming, leading to population growth and the eventual development of complex societies.


What role did religion play in ancient state governance?

Religion often legitimized the authority of rulers, with many ancient governments intertwining religious leadership with political power, such as the Pharaohs of Egypt or the priests in Mesopotamia.


What were the main characteristics of early-modern state systems in Europe?

Early-modern state systems in Europe were characterized by centralized authority, the growth of bureaucracies, the establishment of standing armies, and the beginnings of modern nation-states.


In "Mulan," what name does Mulan use when she disguises herself as a man to join the army?



Describe how social hierarchies began to form in prehistoric communities.

Social hierarchies began to form as communities transitioned from egalitarian groups of hunter-gatherers to settled agricultural societies, where roles became more defined based on occupation, wealth, and resources.


Explain the concept of "divine right" as it applied to ancient rulers.

The concept of "divine right" held that monarchs derived their authority directly from God, justifying their rule and governance without earthly accountability.


Discuss the role of the printing press in shaping political thought during the early modern period.

The printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, allowed for the mass production of books and pamphlets, facilitating the spread of new ideas, such as those during the Reformation, and encouraging public discourse on political and religious matters.


In "Beauty and the Beast," what does Belle's father do for a living?

He is an inventor