fast facts
history of F&M

what is the student to faculty ratio?

what is 9:1?


I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. what am I? 

what is a map? 


who is the current president of the college?

what is Barbara K. Altmann?


how many clubs are offered at F&M?

what is 90 clubs?


how long is a "jiffy"? 

(one quadrillionth of a second, one trillionth of a second, one billionth of a second, one millionth of a second)

what is one trillionth of a second? 


average class size? (in classroom)

what is 18?


There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?

what is there aren’t any—it’s a one-story house?


what year was F&M founded?  

(even better if you can know the month)

what is June 6, 1787?


what is WFNM?

what is a student-run radio station?


what poison does apple seeds contain?

what is a cyanide?

(they contain 700 mg of cyanide per kilogram. you'd need to eat 143 apples to die, just in case you were curious) 


what are the demographics of men and women present?

what is 46% men and 54% women?


you measure my life by hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. the wind is my enemy. what am I?

what is a candle? 


what were the two languages instructed in during the first few years at F&M?

what is English and Germany?


how many language based clubs are at F&M? list them.

what is 4? 

Japanese club

French club 

German club 

Italian club 


according to Japanese legend, a sick person will recover if they fold 1,000 of what type of origami? 

(frog, dragon, crane, fish)

what is a crane?


how many fields of study are there?

what is 60?


What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire word signifies a great woman. What is the word?

what is a heroine?


the first class at F&M was made up of how many men and women?

what is 78 men and 36 women?


whose club description is this? 

fill in the blank: 

_____  is a group of passionate writers, particularly poets, who want to express themselves without fear of judgment, ridicule, and isolation, while realizing their creative potential and thus using that potential to make that potential applicable in other areas.

what is L.I.F.T.?


 What U.S. state designated the sperm whale as its state animal in 1975?

what is Connecticut?


what are the 5 closes test (major) cities?

what is Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Maryland, and Pennsylvania (obviously)?

What are the next three letters in this combination? OTTFFSS

what is ENT? 

(eight, nine, ten)


as you know, the college was originally two serrate colleges, Marshall College and Franklin college. Who were they named after? AND what year did F&M move to Lancaster, PA?

what is Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall and Benjamin Franklin? 

what is 1853?


how many unions are there for specific minority groups/support clubs that serve as a safe place? list them. 

*kind of hard, list minimum of 5*

what is 12?

African Caribbean Association (ACA)

Asian American Alliance 

Black Student Union

Deaf and Disabled Student Union 


Middle East and North Africa Coalition  (MENAc)

Mi Gente Latina

Minority Association of Premedical Students 

Muslim Students Association 

Sexuality and Gender Alliances (SAGA) 




Thieves steal 80,000 what in Amsterdam annually and toss 25,000 in the canals?

what is bicycles?