What is Metatarsus Abductus and how do we treat it?
We put them in a wider shoe, toe spacer, double depth shoe, ect...
Name the three cuneiforms.
Medial, Intermediate, and Lateral
Abduct (varus) is?
Adduct (valgus) is?
Abduct is away from midline
Adduct is towards midline
Largest organ in the body
Sagittal plane splits the body in what way?
Vertically from left to right
PTTD, what is it and how do we treat it?
Posterior Tibial Tendon Disfunction
Medial support, Deep heel cups, Functional orthotic, ect...
What is the IP joint?
Interphalangeal joint
What is the counter of a shoe?
The stiffener in the back heel area of the shoe
3 layers of the skin
Frontal plane splits the body in what way?
Vertically front to back
Club Foot, what is it and how do we treat it?
Club foot is when the foot turns inward and downward.
Functional orthotic, Dennis Browne Bars, SCFO, high tops, Lateral stability, Reverse last shoes, ect..
What is the joint that separates the Tarsals form the Metatarsals?
Lis Franc Joint
Dennis Browne Bar is what?
A rigid bar between both shoes used to abduct or adduct the feet. Used by infants and very young children.
What is Proprioception
Sense of self
Transverse plane splits the body in what way?
Horizontally splits the body top to bottom.
Jones Fracture, what is it and how do we treat it?
A fracture in the proximal aspect of the 5th met.
A recovery boot is required and after 12 week and no progress is made surgery may be required.
What is the function of the Navicular?
To sustain the arch and allow flex for shock absorption.
Genu Recurvatum
Genu Valgum
Genu Varum
Recurvatum- hyperextended knee greater than 50
Valgum- Knock-kneed
Varum- Bowlegged
What two places on your foot can you find a pulse
Posterior Tibial Artery/Dorsalis Pedis Artery
Varus and Valgus movement uses which plane?
Frontal Plane
Gout, what is it and how do we treat it?
A form of inflammatory arthritis that can cause sudden, intense attacks of pain, swelling and tenderness in one or more joints.
Rigid shoe/carbon fiber plate
How many points of movement does the subtalar joint have?
Heloma Durum or Clavus Durus
Hard Corns
What are the two sections of the skeletal system
Axial-spine, ribs, and skull
Appendicular-collar bone, hips, and limbs
Dorsal flexion and Plantar flexion uses which plane?