What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
It is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when the body mistakenly attacks your own body tissue.
Where is the Subtalar joint located at?
What is a Scaphoid pad?
An arch cookie
What is the definition of Kinesiology?
Greek words for Kinesis (movement) and Kinein (to move) also known as human kinetics.
The science of human movement
What is the Receiver of the nerve?
What is Osteoarthritis?
Degenerative joint disease that results from breakdown of joint cartilage and underlining bone.
1/7 adults in the USA alone.
What are the Malleoli?(Medial/Lateral)
"ankle bones" found at the distal aspects of the Tibia and Fibula.
useless knowledge.... How many inches is one "Iron"
Daily Double!!!
ADLs, Activities of daily living, basic and instrumental. Give an example of a basic ADL.
Personal Hygiene, Dressing and undressing, Eating, ect...
What is the Transmitter of the nerve?
Describe what a Morton's toe is.
A common forefoot disorder where the second toe is longer than the Hallux.
The misalignment of the met heads can cause pain and discomfort to the foot.
What are the PIP joints?
The Proximal Intermediate Phalangeal joints
What is a Thomas Bar?
A bar 1/3" wide and 1/4" high proximal to the met heads designed to offload the met heads.
ADLs, Activities of daily living, basic and instrumental. Give an example of a instrumental ADL.
Doing light housework, preparing meals, taking medication, ect...
Where is the Morton's Nerve located?
Between the 3rd and 4th Met head.
What is a Soft Corn and where are they found?
and no not a corn field Collin......
Blister/hardening of the skin that is caused by pressure from a bony prominence on the next toe.
Found between toes/most commonly between the fourth and fifth toes.
What are the DIP joints?
The Distal Intermediate Phalangeal joints
What is a Kirby Skive?
Signs that improper muscular development/activities is occurring.
Obesity, Musculoskeletal imbalance, Trauma, Pain, ect...
What is the Sympathetic Nervous system?
Sense basic reactions and control.
example: reaction to burning your hand.
What is Equinus?
Equinus is defined as less than 100 of available dorsiflexion at the ankle joint.
Tip-toe walking.
What does the Posterior Tibialis Muscle do?
Plantarflex the foot/Invert the foot/Supports the medial arch of the foot.
What is a Sulcus orthotic?
An orthotic that ends distal of the met heads.
Between the length of a 3/4th orthotic and a full length.
Riddle: What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, and 3 legs in the afternoon?
Crawling, walking, walking with a cane.
Parasympathetic nerves system does what?
Example: heart beat. (homeostasis)