The Health teacher
Mrs Moore
Mrs Ebner's room
What Mr Schock wants us to be
Synergys trip to here
CT Science center
The Principal
Mr Grigas
Gym TEACHERS (must guess both)
Mrs McGlone and Mr Bowcock
B 5
Heath room
what they say at the beginning of the announcements
Good morning Flood Falcons
Volleyball for 7th and 8th grade agents teachers
The VP
Mrs Taylor
Art Teacher
Mrs Marx
D 2
Art room
What Mrs Ebner says when she wants us to focus.
¨Lock in¨
After school party in the gym
Teen night
The sub everyone hates
Mrs Math
Tech Teacher
Mrs Shang
band room
¨take your hoods off during class or you will not get your dojo points¨
Ms Saymon
Boys and Girls Flood team play this
The sub for Mrs Ebner after she had knee surgery
Mrs Wade
Band teacher
Mr Barnum
A 14
French room
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success( math..)
Mr Manciaro
when the band, orchestra, and choir play for an audiance
what is the Concerts
The school resource officer
Officer McAvoy