FNHA policy number
What is 40000?
Workgroup for FNHA-related voicemails?
What is CS FNHA_VM?
Document used to search health item claiming criteria
What is FNHA SCRM?
Ortho coverage dollar maximum
What is $7 500 per person per lifetime?
what is pre-determination?
FNHA client ID numbers are
What is status number?
Question you add to your opening when you see a call come through under CS FNHA
What is FNHA Pharmacy Fee Supplement?
Lab fees are covered at this %
What is 100%?
Umbrella term that all mental health programs are keyed under until FNHA assessor reviews
FNHA-specific documents that should be reviewed before giving eligibility for items?
What are FNHA Fee Supplements?
Workgroup used for transferring non-escalated calls to FNHA
What is FNHA Transfer Out?
System Medical Supplies & Equipment providers use to direct bill for FNHA clients
What is PROVIDERnet?
Dental offices can submit ortho claims EDI until what age
What is 18 years old?
Mental Wellness & Counselling pre-d is valid for how many hours
What is 22 hours?
Online course needed in order to take FNHA member calls?
What is San'yas?
Workgroup used for transferring calls to FNHA Health Benefits Team?
What is FNHA Escalations?
Minimum dioptre requirement for high index
What is 7.0 dioptres?
Dental Fee Supplement meant to be read in tandem with which PBC Fee Schedule
What is Schedule 3?
Expiration date for Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Services
what is indefinitely? (no expiration date)
Year that PBC officially took over the FNHA policy?
What is 2019?
Necessary to include in all transferred interactions to FNHA
What are interaction notes?
Group that handles gender affirming product inquiries
What is FNHA?
Crown and bridgework pend after this threshold
What is $4 500 per 5 years?
Providers can submit for eligible services rendered up to this many months prior to the effective date of the pre-D.
What is 12 months?