Name the kind of pullover that has a hood
Kate __ (smell) her new perfume, again. She must like it a lot. (Present Simple/Continuous)
is smelling
admire and respect smb
I ___ __ __ my older brother because he is very kind and hardworking.
look up to
The athlete trained for years to ____ ____ _____ in the 100-meter sprint.
(to achieve something that no one else in the world has done before)
break a world record
Якби у мене було більше вільного часу, я б поїхала до Італії, яка є країною, про яку я завжди мріяла.
If I had more free time, I would travel to Italy, which is a country I've always dreamed of visiting.
The first thing to do after you take your seat on a plane is __________ your seatbelt
How long ___ Joanna ____ (work) in that cafe?
How long has Joanna been working in that cafe?
get rid of (fat and calories)
What is the best type of exercise to ____ __calories?
burn off
I left home early, but I ___ __ __ traffic and was late for my meeting.
(to be unable to move because of heavy traffic on the road)
got stuck in
Ніна бігала в парку, коли зустріла свого сусіда, який cидів на лавці бо потягнув гомілку.
Nina was jogging in the park when she met her neighboгr, who was sitting on a bench because he had sprained his ankle.
Name the word that describes an act of setting a building on fire on purpose.
It's impossible to keep a puma as a pet, she ..... have lied.
A. must b. can't c. might
A. must
find by chance
While reading an article, I _____ ____ an interesting fact about ancient civilizations.
come across
Give examples of collocations with the word "island"
desert, remote, tropical
Пропозиція незнайомця була зустрінута з підозрою жителями села.
The stranger’s offer was met with suspicion by the villagers.
The person is difficult to control, disobedient and do not behave in the way that is expected
"I've never stolen a bike", Jamal said.
Jamal said .....
he had never stolen a bike.
do smth badly
I never want to act. I'm afraid of ____ ___ in front of an audience.
mess up
Is it your birthday? Really? But I didn't get you anything … or did I? Ha, ha, ha … I'm only (joking)
pulling your leg
Кім раніше подорожувала до Азії двічі на рік, але тепер не може собі цього дозволити.
Kim used to travel/ would travel to Asia twice a year but now she cannot afford this
the process of improving the quality, amount, or strength of something
__________ made to websites often result in increased page views
By the end of the month she _____ (finish) her training as a waitress.
By the end of the month she'll have finished her training as a waitress.
She always does a good deed for someone and a___ ___ _ ___, which is why everyone respects her.
asks nothing in return
The documentary about climate change ___ __ a lot of e____ among the viewers.
(to cause strong feelings, such as excitement, anger, sadness, or nostalgia)
stirred up emotions
Якби ми краще спланували, ми б встигли прибрати будинок до того, як прийшли гості.
If we had planned better, we would have had the house cleaned before the guests arrived.