grammar police
vocabulary genius
use of English
secret category

Complete the second sentence using the word in capitals so that it has a similar meaning
to the first. Do not change the word in capitals.

  1. I’m sure that snake isn’t dangerous. There aren’t any poisonous snakes in this area. CAN’T
    That snake ______ dangerous. There aren’t any poisonous snakes in this area.

can't be 


What are these?

suspension bridge, shortcut


What phrasal verbs are these?

put sb up

put smth up


What was the easiest/ the most difficult grammar/vocabulary topic from this Unit? 


Complete the second sentence using the word in capitals so that it has a similar meaning
to the first. Do not change the word in capitals

I don't know how they got to London, but it's possible that they travelled by train. MAY
They  to London by train.  

may have got 


Complete the sentences.

  1. The first thing to do after you take your seat on a plane is _____  your seatbelt.
  2. I hope we don’t ____  stuck in traffic because we are already late.




 It was hard for me to _____  with the others on the cycling  tour.

A. turn up
B. drop off
C. keep up

C keep up - 

to stay level or equal with someone or something:

You run too fast – I can’t keep up.


Find out about your partner's  holiday habits using used to/ would. 

Did you use to go swimming every summer?


 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets and used to or would. Sometimes both are possible.


We  (take) at least two guidebooks on holiday, but these days I only need my smartphone.  

I  (not like) travelling by train as a child – I was afraid of the noise they made. 

used to take 

didn't use to like


Complete the sentences with words from the unit. The first letter of each word is given.

  1. Our  t___ g___ told us some fascinating stories as he showed us around Oxford.  
  2. There were no s____ rooms available, so they put me in a room with two large beds. 

tour guide



Name 3 active phrasal verbs and their meanings. 

carry on doing smth - continue 

walk away from - stop being involved in a situation

set off - start on a trip


Name 10 phrases to ask for, give and accept advice. 

Asking for advice

Can you do me a (big) favour?
Can you give me some advice?
Do you think I need …?
What do you think I should ...?

Giving advice

The first thing you should do is …
If I were you, I’d/I wouldn’t …
I think/don't think you should …
You need/don't need to …
You (really) ought to …
You must/mustn’t …
The best thing would be to …
It’s a good idea to …
Why don’t you …?

Accepting advice

Good idea!
Good thinking!
That’s really helpful.
Oh, I didn’t think of that!


Speculate about your partner's weekend using must/might/could + have + V3/ed. 

Make up at least 4 sentences.


Complete the sentences.

We need to leave right away or we’re going to ____   our train!

We had to   the river by boat because the bridge was damaged.




1. You can just _____     at the airport. Don’t wait around for my     flight to leave.

A. drop me off
B. pick me up
C. hold me up

2.  ______    stay in France for a few months. You won’t learn much     in a week.

A. In my opinion, you mustn’t
B. If I were you, I would
C. I don't think I would

1. A drop sb/smth off - to take someone or something to a particular place, usually by car, as you travel to a different place 

2. B


Discuss the following question.

 Do you think it’s a good idea to plan a holiday in advance or decide what to do at the last moment? Why?


Talk about how you've changed over the past 10 years using used to and would. 

Make up at least 5 sentences.



Some people say it’s better to learn a lot about places in your own country before travelling abroad. What do you think? Why? What is there to see in our country? 

Use active vocabulary in your answer. 


Ask your partner 5 questions using these phrasal verbs: 

run out of 

carry on

turn into 

turn up (arrive at a place )

head for sth (go in the direction of somewhere ) 


Where would your ideal holiday be? Why? 

Use active vocabulary: seaside/ski resort, single/double/twin room, budget hotel, walk barefoot, cable cars, suspension bridge etc.