Why do you think many people find it challenging to breath/ breathe calmly during stressful situations? What techniques can help someone manage their breathing?
What steps do you take to insure/ensure you stay organized during the school year?
How important do you think it is to practice/ practise skills outside of the classroom? How has practice/practise made a difference in your own life?
How important is it to cite/ site/ sight sources when writing a research paper? What are the possible consequences of not doing so?
Have you picked up any new hobbies or interests late/lately? How did you come to discover them, and what do you enjoy about them?
What are some effective ways to rise/raise awareness about an important social issue in your community?
What is your favorite dessert/desert, and why do you think it holds a special place for you? Have you ever tried making it yourself?
Do you prefer wearing loose/ lose or tight-fitting clothing? How do your clothing choices affect your comfort and confidence?
In your opinion, what qualities make a person sensitive/sensible? Can you think of a time when being sensible/sensitive helped you or someone you know make a good decision?