Choose a word
continuous, perfect or perfect continuous
Complete the second sentence

She’s such a loving mother, so d_______d to her children. Do you think she spoils them? (7 letters)

devoted: If someone is devoted to someone else, it means they feel love or loyalty towards the other person.


The book offers interesting insights ______ the nature and sources of prejudice against people perceived as different.

into: To offer insights into something means to give a chance to have a closer look at something and to understand it better.


alert lifelong minor

A close friendship started in childhood can be a(n)

___________ bond.

1 lifelong: A lifelong bond is a feeling that keeps, for example, people together all their lives.


I’ve been ill and right now I ___________________ (find) it difficult to run for more than a few minutes.

am finding: The Present Continuous is used to describe a temporary activity in progress around the time of speaking/now (right now).


We were going to call off the trip in another moment when we got some new information. VERGE

We were ____________________________ the trip when we got some new information.

on the verge of calling off: To be on the verge of calling off means to be close to cancelling something.


I can hardly express how much I a____e your friendship. (10 letters)

appreciate: To appreciate something means to see its value or importance.


She’s a nice enough person, but I’d never trust her ______ a secret.

with: To trust someone with a secret means to tell them some confidential information believing they would keep it to themselves.


praises split upstanding

I’d always thought of our neighbour as a(n) ___________ citizen, so the news that he was wanted for a crime shocked me a good deal.

upstanding: If someone is an upstanding citizen, it means they are honest and respectable.


This time tomorrow we ___________________ (get) ready for a trip to Spain.

will be getting: The Future Continuous is used to talk about a activity in progress at a certain point in the future (this time tomorrow).


My dad insisted on picking me up after the party. FOOT

My dad put ____________________________ and said he would pick me up after the party.

his foot down: To put one’s foot down means to use one’s authority to stop something happening.


Their relationship is not at all simple; there are some very c____x feelings involved. (7 letters)

complex: Complex feelings have many aspects and may not be easy to understand.


I’m not sure I approve of the people you associate _____ .

with: If you associate with someone, it means you spend time with them.


alert lifelong minor praises split

He was briefly arrested for a(n) ___________ crime at the age of sixteen.

minor: A minor crime is a small crime such as shoplifting or trespassing.


I hope by the time you finish school you ___________ ___________ (discover) what you want to study.

will have discovered: The Future Perfect (Simple) is used to describe an activity that will be completed before a certain point in the future (used with a typical expression including by, by the time you finish school).


make your sentence using word: SUPPOSED

was/were supposed to 


It’s normal to experience r t when you’ve been treated unfairly. (10 letters)

resentment: It’s a feeling of anger and unhappiness that someone feels when they have been treated unfairly or without enough respect.


You can count ______ me; just give me a ring if you need anything.

on: If you count on someone, you rely on them.


alert lifelong minor praises split upstanding

To be honest, I’m a bit tired of the way she keeps singing her brother’s ___________.

praises: To sing someone’s praises means to say how good they are.


What’s wrong with Ed? He used to be so cheerful, and now he ___________________ (become) so bad-tempered that it’s difficult even being around him.

has become: The Present Perfect (Simple) is used to describe an activity that happened in recent past and whose results are visible in the present (now).


I started participating in the meetings last month. PART

I’ve ____________________________ in the meetings since last month.

been taking part: The Present Perfect Continuous is used to describe an activity which started in the past and is still in progress at the moment of speaking/now; it’s used with a typical expression including since, since last month; to take part in something means participate in something.


Relationships are not fixed; they s_____t and evolve. (5 letters)

shift: If a relationship shifts, it means it changes.


The bond ______ identical twins is said to be unusually strong and intense.

between: A bond between people is a feeling that keeps them together and makes them trust and support each other.


alert lifelong minor praises split upstanding

The pain only lasted a(n) ___________ second, but it was very sharp.

split: A split second is an extremely small amount of time.


At the end of this month I ___________________ (work) here for two years.

will have been working: The Future Perfect Continuous is used to describe a future activity that will be in progress for some time at the moment of speaking (at the end of the month) and won’t finish then (used with a typical expression including for, for two years).


Next Saturday is the third anniversary of the day my fiancée and I first met. KNOWN

Next Saturday my fiancée and I ________________ ________________ each other for three years.

will have known: The Future Perfect (Simple) is used to describe a state that will be in progress for some time at a certain point in the future (next Saturday) and won’t finish then (used with a typical expression including for, for three years). It’s impossible to use the state verb know in the continuous form so the simple aspect applies instead.